Get Polygon from FloodFill


Thiessen Polygon
Collection object in vb 6
Offset a curve
get polygon
Get Polygon from FloodFill
UDT Pattern Brush in vb
Using VB NET predefined Pattern brush and known colors
VB NET extFloodfill



How to get Perimeter, Area, Coordinates of an irregular region from FloodFill

The API ExtFloodFill can fill any shapes, but it is hard to do graphic transformation operations. If you need to transform an irregular region, and you have the datum of each elements which consist the polygon, you can convert the line,arc,ellipse,spline ,etc. to polyline ,and then joint polyline one by one ,finally you’ll get the vertex coordinates of this irregular polygon (Convex or Concave) like the figure shown as following.

If a polygon is convex, you can get the pixels coordinates of the floodfill region, and then making a convex hull. From this convex hull boundary, you can get the boundary coordinates of the polygon directly. You can get the net area of floodfill region by counting the number of pixels being filled also.

To find the Perimeter of the region is more tedious then area calculating, first, we need fill the irregular region by floodfill method to get all pixel points.

To collect each row of color pixels points, and arrange the x coordinates of each row in increasing order, and collecting the continue sets of x values, picking the beginning and ending x values of each set, those sets of x values are the region boundary oints( including the barrier lines )of each row. Please refer the flowing picture, the left part is a closed region, surrounding by two polylines, one arc, two lines (one is barrier, ie. not crossing through the region).The right part is a digital drawing after applied floodfill operation.

Suppose the digital data of some row is like :

Grid order “3456789012345678”

Color order“bggggbwwbgggbwwb”:b=back,g=green:w=white

Then, we can pick up two continue pixel sets (3~8), (11~15), which means the boundary points are at grids 3,8,11 and 15.

Following the same procedure, we can filter the boundary points in y direction. Combining x and y boundary points, and removing duplicated (double) points will get the perimeter of an irregular region (including the length of barrier).

Finally, we can get the coordinates of an irregular region, just trace the boundary points(a continue pixel region) in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction step by step and collect the boundary pointing in order. The procedure of Boundary tracing method is made up of following parts:

(a)    Using FloodFill alogorithm to fill the irregular region and to get the filling points( ptsFilled() as pointAPI).

(b) Find the minimum and maximum of x and y of the region.

(c) Collect the x-coordinate of each row of a region in increasing order.

(b)   Picking up the boundary point of each row of the irregular region in x and y direction, and plotting the boundary points on a form (picturebox or buffer).

(c)    Tracing boundary point in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction and collect the the points(ptsBDL() as pointAPI) in oreder.

      Hereafter is some key code of the program.


(a)   Function GetPointsFromFloodFill_0()


Public Function GetPointsFromFloodFill_0(canvas As PictureBox, ptFill As CadPoint, mbackcolor As Long, mFillColor As Long, yFctUse As Single, ptsFilled_0() As POINTAPI) As Long

canvas.ScaleMode = 3

Dim Location As POINTAPI

Dim Points As New Collection

Dim stArray() As String

Dim width As Integer: width = canvas.ScaleWidth

Dim height As Integer: height = canvas.ScaleHeight

Dim ST As String

Dim count As Long, i As Long, j As Long, K As Integer, L As Integer

Dim Ycount As Integer

Dim xyFColls() As New Collection, xyFCollsP() As New Collection, nxyFColls As Integer

Dim mPolyline() As PolylineAPI, nPoly As Integer

Dim BDLColls As New Collection, nSectMax As Integer

Dim ww As Integer: ww = width - 1 'int ww = width -1;

    Dim hh As Integer: hh = height - 1 'int hh = height -1;

    Dim p As POINTAPI

    Dim npt As Integer, myLine As LineAPI, myPoint As POINTAPI

     Erase ptsFilled_0

     Location.X = CLng(canvas.ScaleX(ptFill.X - canvas.ScaleLeft, canvas.ScaleMode, vbPixels))    'xp=

     Location.Y = CLng(canvas.ScaleY(ptFill.Y * yFctUse - canvas.ScaleTop, canvas.ScaleMode, vbPixels)) 'xp=

     'lcPtFill = Location

    If (Location.X < 0 Or Location.X >= width Or Location.Y < 0 Or Location.Y >= height) Then Exit Function

    If (Abs(mbackcolor - mFillColor) <= 2) Then Exit Function

    If Abs(canvas.Point(Location.X, Location.Y) - mbackcolor) >= 2 Then Exit Function

    npt = 0

    Points.Add Location.X & "," & Location.Y 


    On Error Resume Next

    Do While (Points.count > 0)        

          ST = Points.Item(Points.count)

          stArray = Split(ST, ",", -1, vbTextCompare)

        p.X = Val(stArray(0))

        p.Y = Val(stArray(1))

               ReDim Preserve ptsFilled_0(0 To npt)

               ptsFilled_0(npt).X = p.X

               ptsFilled_0(npt).Y = p.Y

               'Call Min_Max(p.X, p.Y, xMinBdl, yMinBdl, xMaxBdl, yMaxBdl)

               npt = npt + 1

               Points.Remove (Points.count)

               SetPixel canvas.hdc, p.X, p.Y, mFillColor             


         If (p.Y > 0 And Abs(GetPixel(canvas.hdc, p.X, p.Y - 1) - mbackcolor) <= 2) Then

            SetPixel canvas.hdc, p.X, p.Y - 1, mFillColor           

             Points.Add p.X & "," & p.Y - 1

             ReDim Preserve ptsFilled_0(0 To npt)              

               ptsFilled_0(npt).X = p.X

               ptsFilled_0(npt).Y = p.Y - 1

               npt = npt + 1


          End If

         If (p.Y < hh And Abs(GetPixel(canvas.hdc, p.X, p.Y + 1) - mbackcolor) <= 2) Then

              SetPixel canvas.hdc, p.X, p.Y + 1, mFillColor


              Points.Add p.X & "," & p.Y + 1  'points.Push(new Point(p.X, p.Y + 1));

              ReDim Preserve ptsFilled_0(0 To npt)

               ptsFilled_0(npt).X = p.X

               ptsFilled_0(npt).Y = p.Y + 1

                npt = npt + 1


           End If

        If (p.X > 0 And Abs(GetPixel(canvas.hdc, p.X - 1, p.Y) - mbackcolor) <= 2) Then

             SetPixel canvas.hdc, p.X - 1, p.Y, mFillColor

             Points.Add p.X - 1 & "," & p.Y

             ReDim Preserve ptsFilled_0(0 To npt)


               ptsFilled_0(npt).X = p.X - 1

               ptsFilled_0(npt).Y = p.Y

               npt = npt + 1


         End If

         If (p.X < ww And Abs(GetPixel(canvas.hdc, p.X + 1, p.Y) - mbackcolor) <= 2) Then

            SetPixel canvas.hdc, p.X + 1, p.Y, mFillColor

             Points.Add p.X + 1 & "," & p.Y

             ReDim Preserve ptsFilled_0(0 To npt)


               ptsFilled_0(npt).X = p.X + 1

               ptsFilled_0(npt).Y = p.Y

                npt = npt + 1


            End If


       GetPointsFromFloodFill_0 = UBound(ptsFilled_0)        

    End Function


(b)   Sub GetBoundaryPoints()


Private Sub GetBoundaryPoints(canvas As Picture, ptFillAt As CadPoint, canvasBackColor As Long, ColorFill As Long, ptsBDL() As POINTAPI, Optional nBdl_0 As Long = 0, Optional nArea_0 As Long = 0)


            Dim tPolyline As PolylineAPI

            Dim ptsFilled() As POINTAPI

            Dim npt_0 As Long

            Dim i As Long, j As Long, L As Integer, count As Long

            Dim stArrayA() As String, stArrayB() As String

            nArea_0 = GetPointsFromFloodFill_0(canvas, ptFillAt, canvasBackColor, vbGreen, 1, ptsFilled)

            npt_0 = UBound(ptsFilled)



            Dim xmin As Long, ymin As Long, xmax As Long, ymax As Long, YFix As Long

            xmin = 9999999

            ymin = 9999999

            xmax = -9999999

            ymax = -9999999

            For i = 0 To npt_0

            If ptsFilled(i).X > xmax Then xmax = ptsFilled(i).X

            If ptsFilled(i).Y > ymax Then ymax = ptsFilled(i).Y

            If ptsFilled(i).X < xmin Then xmin = ptsFilled(i).X

            If ptsFilled(i).Y < ymin Then ymin = ptsFilled(i).Y

            Next i

            List2.AddItem "xmin= " & xmin & ";" & ymin & ";" & xmax & ";" & ymax

            'X Direction

            Dim xLay() As Long

             count = 1

            For i = ymin To ymax

                YFix = i

                Erase xLay

                For j = xmin To xmax

                    ReDim Preserve xLay(1 To j)

                    xLay(j) = -99999

                Next j


                For j = 0 To npt_0

                If ptsFilled(j).Y = YFix Then

                   xLay(ptsFilled(j).X) = ptsFilled(j).X

                   End If

                Next j


                Dim stIn As String

                stIn = Trim(Str(YFix) & ";")

                For j = xmin To xmax

                    If xLay(j) > 0 Then

                        stIn = Trim(stIn & "," & Str(xLay(j)))

                    End If

                Next j


                Dim stOut As String, Nsect As Integer, K As Long


                stIn = Replace(stIn, ";,", ";")

                Call groupINTColl(stIn, stOut, Nsect)


                 If InStr(stOut, ";") = 0 Then

                    stArrayA = Split(stOut, ",", -1, vbTextCompare)

                    For K = 0 To UBound(stArrayA)

                        If CLng(Val(stArrayA(K))) <> 0 Then

                            Picture2.PSet (CLng(Val(stArrayA(K))) + 50, YFix + 50), vbBlue

                            ReDim Preserve ptsBDL(1 To count)

                            ptsBDL(count).X = CLng(Val(stArrayA(K)))

                            ptsBDL(count).Y = YFix

                            count = count + 1

                        End If

                    Next K


                    stArrayA = Split(stOut, ";", -1, vbTextCompare)

                    For K = 0 To UBound(stArrayA)

                        stArrayB = Split(stArrayA(K), ",", -1, vbTextCompare)

                            For L = 0 To UBound(stArrayB)

                                If CLng(Val(stArrayB(L))) <> 0 Then

                                        Picture2.PSet (CLng(Val(stArrayB(L))) + 50, YFix + 50), vbBlue

                                        ReDim Preserve ptsBDL(1 To count)

                                        ptsBDL(count).X = CLng(Val(stArrayB(L)))

                                        ptsBDL(count).Y = YFix

                                        count = count + 1

                                End If

                            Next L

                    Next K

                 End If

            Next i



            'Y Direction







            Call DuplicatePointAPI_Remove(ptsBDL)

            nBdl_0 = UBound(ptsBDL)

            ReDim Preserve ptsBDL(1 To nBdl_0)

            For i = 1 To nBdl_0

            Picture2.PSet (ptsBDL(i).X, ptsBDL(i).Y), vbRed

            Next i

End Sub

(c) NextPoints(ptXYcoll, isBarier)

The Sub NextPoints() is quite simple ,so please implement yourself.

The following picture is the result by using this method , the region(shown on the second picturebox) filled using color cyan, is transform to point(360,350) first, and then rotated 30° at point(360,350) .IF the region is big, then you need to use API GetPixel() and SetPixel() or to process the floodfill in buffer memory to improve the computing speed.


 VB_VB NET: chday169

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首頁 | Thiessen Polygon | Collection object in vb 6 | Duplicate | Offset a curve | Ellipse | ImplicitFunction | get polygon | NonLineearSystemEquations | Get Polygon from FloodFill | UDT Pattern Brush in vb | Using VB NET predefined Pattern brush and known colors | VB NET extFloodfill

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