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上次修改此網站的日期: 2018年12月02日

          Ellipse in vb 6

Ellipse is a closed curve of conic section. In other words, an ellipse is a plane curve of an intersection of a cone and a plane. The intersection of cone and a inclined plane will get a ellipse, if the plane is horizontal then the intersection curve is a circle. Ellipses have many similarities with the other two forms of conic sections: the parabolas and the hyperbolas, both of which are open and unbounded.

An ellipse is a plane surrounding two focal points such that a straight line drawn from one of the two focal points to any point on the curve and then back to the other focal point on the curve has the same length. As such, it is a generalization of a circle; a circle is a special case of an ellipse that has both focal points at the same point (center). The shape of an ellipse is represented by its eccentricity. The eccentricity of an ellipse can be any number between 0 (a circle) and 1.

Analytically, an ellipse can also be defined as the set of points such that the ratio of the distance of each point on the curve from a given point (called a focus or focal point) to the distance from that same point on the curve to a given line (called the directrix line) is a constant. The value of that constant is the eccentricity of the ellipse. (An eccentricity equal to or greater than one produces the other types of conic sections.)

(a) Drawing of Ellipse

The figure shown below is a general figure of an inclined ellipse with center at (h,k) , a length (a) of semi-mayor axes , a length (b) of semi-minor axes, a inclined angle (i) can be described as:


+=1 (eq.1)



If we set


Ta= (a*sin(i))^2+( b*cos(i))^2


Tb= (a*cos(i))^2+( b*sin(i))^2  


Tc= 2*sin(i)*cos(i)*(b*b-a*a)


Td= (a*b)^2

Then the general equation of an inclined equation can be rewritten as

Ta*(x-h)^2+ Tb*(y-k)^2+ Tc* (x-h)*(y-k)= Td            (eq.2)

  If we define type CadEliipse as

   Type CadEllipse

    Vertex(0 to 2) as cadpoint ‘or PointF In VB NET

    Angle1 as single

    Angle2 as single

    NuPoint as integer

   End Type

If the coordinates of two major axes, myEllipse.Vertex(0) and myEllipse.Vertex(1), and any point, myEllipse.Vertex(2) given ,then we can draw the ellipse by solving the values of b(BB) and i(AngSlop) .

‘ptCen:center of ellipse

ptCen.X = (myEllipse.Vertex(0).X + myEllipse.Vertex(1).X) / 2

      ptCen.Y = (myEllipse.Vertex(0).Y + myEllipse.Vertex(1).Y) / 2

      Angslop = ATN2((myEllipse.Vertex(1).Y - myEllipse.Vertex(0).Y), (myEllipse.Vertex(1).X - myEllipse.Vertex(0).X)) * Da

 AA = Sqr((myEllipse.Vertex(0).X - ptCen.X) ^ 2 + (myEllipse.Vertex(0).Y - ptCen.Y) ^ 2)

      ptAny = myEllipse.Vertex(2)

      Ta1 = ptAny.X - ptCen.X: Ta2 = AA * Cos(Angslop * Ra): Ta3 = -Sin(Angslop * Ra)

      Tb1 = ptAny.Y - ptCen.Y: Tb2 = AA * Sin(Angslop * Ra): Tb3 = Cos(Angslop * Ra)     

      T1 = (Ta1 * Tb3 - Tb1 * Ta3) / (Ta2 * Tb3 - Ta3 * Tb2)

      T2 = (Ta2 * Tb1 - Tb2 * Ta1) / (Ta2 * Tb3 - Ta3 * Tb2)

      If (T1 ^ 2 <= 1#) Then Bb = Sqr(T2 ^ 2 / (1 - T1 ^ 2))

The coordinates of any point on ellipse are:    

PtAny.x = ptCen.x+AA * Cos(AngI * Ra) * Cos(Angslop * Ra) - BB * Sin(AngI * Ra) * Sin(Angslop * Ra) 'x coordinate

PtAny.y = ptCen.y+AA * Cos(AngI * Ra) * Sin(Angslop * Ra) + BB * Sin(AngI * Ra) * Cos(Angslop * Ra) 'y coordinate



(b)Intersection of two Ellipse

 To solve the intersection of two ellipses by hand is quite tedious, but we can solve by computer, the following snippet code is a function of solving the intersection points of two ellipses.


Public Function TwoEllipseIntAll(ByRef myEllipseA As CadEllipse, ByRef myEllipseB As CadEllipse, ByRef ptsInt() As CadPoint, _

                     ByRef isOnEllipseA() As Boolean, ByRef isOnEllipseB() As Boolean, Optional ByVal xptRefer As Single = -9999#, Optional ByVal yptRefer                  As Single = -9999#) As Integer


        Dim Ae1 As Single, Be1 As Single, h1 As Single, k1 As Single, AngI1 As Single

        Dim Ae2 As Single, Be2 As Single, h2 As Single, k2 As Single, AngI2 As Single

        Dim Xptin As Single, Yptin As Single

        Dim Ta1 As Single, Tb1 As Single, Tc1 As Single, Td1 As Single

        Dim Ta2 As Single, Tb2 As Single, Tc2 As Single, Td2 As Single

        Dim T1 As Single, T2 As Single, T3 As Single, T4 As Single, T5 As Single, T6 As Single

        Dim p1 As Single, p2 As Single, p3 As Single, P4 As Single, P5 As Single, P6 As Single

        Dim Atpt As Single, AA(4) As Single, AnsT(4) As Single, AnsV(4) As Single, nans As Integer

        Dim q1 As Single, q2 As Single, q3 As Single, Ndat As Integer, i As Integer

        Dim Chk1 As Single, Chk2 As Single, Yin1 As Single, Yin2 As Single, AngCita As Single

        Dim XtptI As Single, YtptI As Single, Del1 As Single, Del2 As Single, Del3 As Single

        Dim XansI(200) As Single, YansI(200) As Single, Smin As Single

        Dim A1u As Single, B1u As Single, H1u As Single, K1u As Single, XptU As Single, YptU As Single

        Dim A2u As Single, B2u As Single, H2u As Single, K2u As Single, eps As Single, XyFct As Single

        Dim Itest As Single, Lmin As Single, Ldel As Single

        Dim ptCen As CadPoint, Angslop As Single

        Dim Xanst(4), Yanst(4) As Single

        TwoEllipseIntAll = -1 'Return

        If xptRefer = -9999# And yptRefer = -9999# Then

            xptRefer = myEllipseA.pts(0).X

            yptRefer = myEllipseA.pts(0).Y

        End If

        Xptin = xptRefer

        Yptin = yptRefer

        Call EllipseProp(myEllipseA, ptCen, Ae1, Be1, AngI1)

        h1 = ptCen.X

        k1 = ptCen.Y

        Call EllipseProp(myEllipseB, ptCen, Ae2, Be2, AngI2)

        h2 = ptCen.X

        k2 = ptCen.Y

        ReDim ptsInt(4)

        For i = 1 To 4

            Xanst(i) = 99999#

            Yanst(i) = 99999#

        Next i


        XyFct = AMAX(Abs(Ae1), Abs(Be1), Abs(Ae2), Abs(Be2))

        A1u = Ae1 / XyFct  

        B1u = Be1 / XyFct

        A2u = Ae2 / XyFct

        B2u = Be2 / XyFct

        H1u = h1 / XyFct

        K1u = k1 / XyFct

        H2u = h2 / XyFct

        K2u = k2 / XyFct

        XptU = Xptin / XyFct

        YptU = Yptin / XyFct

        Ta1 = A1u ^ 2 * Sin(AngI1 * Ra) ^ 2 + B1u ^ 2 * Cos(AngI1 * Ra) ^ 2

        Tb1 = A1u ^ 2 * Cos(AngI1 * Ra) ^ 2 + B1u ^ 2 * Sin(AngI1 * Ra) ^ 2

        Tc1 = 2 * Sin(AngI1 * Ra) * Cos(AngI1 * Ra) * (B1u ^ 2 - A1u ^ 2)

        Td1 = A1u ^ 2 * B1u ^ 2

        Ta1 = Ta1 / Td1

        Tb1 = Tb1 / Td1

        Tc1 = Tc1 / Td1

        Td1 = 1#

        T1 = -(2# * Ta1 * H1u + Tc1 * K1u)

        T2 = -(2# * Tb1 * K1u + Tc1 * H1u)

        T3 = Ta1 * H1u ^ 2 + Tb1 * K1u ^ 2 + Tc1 * H1u * K1u - Td1

        Ta2 = A2u ^ 2 * Sin(AngI2 * Ra) ^ 2 + B2u ^ 2 * Cos(AngI2 * Ra) ^ 2

        Tb2 = A2u ^ 2 * Cos(AngI2 * Ra) ^ 2 + B2u ^ 2 * Sin(AngI2 * Ra) ^ 2

        Tc2 = 2 * Sin(AngI2 * Ra) * Cos(AngI2 * Ra) * (B2u ^ 2 - A2u ^ 2)

        Td2 = A2u ^ 2 * B2u ^ 2

        Ta2 = Ta2 / Td2

        Tb2 = Tb2 / Td2

        Tc2 = Tc2 / Td2

        Td2 = 1#

        T4 = -(2# * Ta2 * H2u + Tc2 * K2u)

        T5 = -(2# * Tb2 * K2u + Tc2 * H2u)

        T6 = Ta2 * H2u ^ 2 + Tb2 * K2u ^ 2 + Tc2 * H2u * K2u - Td2

        p1 = Ta1 * T4 - Ta2 * T1

        p2 = Ta1 * Tc2 - Ta2 * Tc1

        p3 = Tb2 * Tc1 - Tb1 * Tc2

        P4 = Tb2 * T1 + Tc1 * T5 - Tb1 * T4 - Tc2 * T2

        P5 = T1 * T5 + Tc1 * T6 - T2 * T4 - Tc2 * T3

        P6 = T1 * T6 - T3 * T4

        q1 = Ta2 * Tb1 - Ta1 * Tb2

        q2 = Ta2 * T2 - Ta1 * T5

        q3 = Ta2 * T3 - Ta1 * T6

        Atpt = q1 ^ 2 - p2 * p3

        AA(1) = (2# * q1 * q2 - p1 * p3 - p2 * P4)

        AA(2) = (q2 ^ 2 + 2# * q1 * q3 - p1 * P4 - p2 * P5)

        AA(3) = (2# * q2 * q3 - p1 * P5 - p2 * P6)

        AA(4) = (q3 ^ 2 - p1 * P6)


        If Abs(Atpt) < 0.000000000000001 And Abs(AA(1)) < 0.000000000000001 Then

            Ndat = 2          '

            Atpt = AA(2)

            AA(1) = AA(3) / Atpt

            AA(2) = AA(4) / Atpt

            GoTo 120

        End If

        If Abs(Atpt) >= 0# Then

            Ndat = 4          '

            AA(1) = AA(1) / Atpt

            AA(2) = AA(2) / Atpt

            AA(3) = AA(3) / Atpt

            AA(4) = AA(4) / Atpt

        End If

120:    Yin1 = YptU - 0.05 * AMIN(A1u, A2u, B1u, B2u)

        Yin2 = YptU + 0.05 * AMIN(A1u, A2u, B1u, B2u)

        eps = 0.01 * AMIN(A1u, A2u, B1u, B2u)

        Call SolpolyN(Ndat, AA, eps, Yin1, Yin2, AnsT, AnsV)


        nans = 0

        For i = 1 To Ndat

               If Abs(AnsV(i)) <= 0.000001 Then

                nans = nans + 1

                Yanst(nans) = AnsT(i)

                Xanst(nans) = (q1 * Yanst(nans) ^ 2 + q2 * Yanst(nans) + q3) / (p1 + p2 * Yanst(nans))

                End If

        Next i

        If nans = 0 Then

        MsgBox ("no solution 無合理解")

        Exit Function

        End If

        Chk1 = (Ta1 * (Xanst(1) - H1u) ^ 2 + Tb1 * (Yanst(1) - K1u) ^ 2 + Tc1 * (Xanst(1) - H1u) * (Yanst(1) - K1u) - Td1) / Td1

        Chk2 = (Ta2 * (Xanst(1) - H2u) ^ 2 + Tb2 * (Yanst(1) - K2u) ^ 2 + Tc2 * (Xanst(1) - H2u) * (Yanst(1) - K2u) - Td2) / Td2

        'Lmin = 99999.0#

        If nans >= 1 Then

            For i = 1 To nans

                Xanst(i) = Xanst(i) * XyFct

                Yanst(i) = Yanst(i) * XyFct

             Next i

        End If


        Dim count As Integer: count = 0

        For i = 1 To nans

            ReDim Preserve ptsInt(count), isOnEllipseA(count), isOnEllipseB(count)

            ptsInt(count).X = CSng(Xanst(i))

            ptsInt(count).Y = CSng(Yanst(i))

            isOnEllipseA(count) = IsPtOnEllArcCurve_byPoint(myEllipseA, ptsInt(count))

            isOnEllipseB(count) = IsPtOnEllArcCurve_byPoint(myEllipseB, ptsInt(count))

            count = count + 1




        If UBound(ptsInt) >= 0 Then TwoEllipseIntAll = UBound(ptsInt) 'return

    End Function


Because an ellipse can be considered as a collection of line segments which all points are on the ellipse, we can use the method of intersection of two lines to get same result. Please note the maximum number of intersection points is 4,the minimum are 0.If we use two line intersection method ,then dont forget to remove the duplicate point(s).The intersection of line and ellipse, or the intersection of line and ellipse ,or ellipse and arc can be solved by the same way. If we convert a ellipse to circle,then the method of two ellipse intersection method can be used to solve the intersection of ellipse and circle.  



Private Function LineLineIntReal(LineA As cadLine, LineB As cadLine, iPoints() As CadPoint) As Integer

         Dim Xa1 As Single, Ya1 As Single, Xa2 As Single, Ya2 As Single

         Dim Xb1 As Single, Yb1 As Single, Xb2 As Single, Yb2 As Single

         Dim aX As Single, aY As Single, Bx As Single, By As Single

         Dim T1 As Single, T2 As Single

         Dim cx As Single, cy As Single, dx As Single, dy As Single

         Dim tpt As Single, tpt1 As Single, tpt2 As Single, i As Integer


         Erase iPoints()

         On Error Resume Next

         Xa1 = LineA.pts(0).X

         Ya1 = LineA.pts(0).Y

         Xa2 = LineA.pts(1).X

         Ya2 = LineA.pts(1).Y

         Xb1 = LineB.pts(0).X

         Yb1 = LineB.pts(0).Y

         Xb2 = LineB.pts(1).X

         Yb2 = LineB.pts(1).Y

         aX = Xa2 - Xa1

         aY = Ya2 - Ya1

         Bx = Xb1 - Xb2

         By = Yb1 - Yb2

         cx = Xa1 - Xb1

         cy = Ya1 - Yb1


         tpt = aY * Bx - aX * By


         tpt1 = By * cx - Bx * cy

         T1 = tpt1 / tpt

         tpt2 = aX * cy - aY * cx

         T2 = tpt2 / tpt

         If (T1 >= -0.0001 And T1 <= 1.0001) And (T2 >= -0.0001 And T2 <= 1.0001) Then

         ReDim Preserve iPoints(0)

         iPoints(0).X = Xa1 + T1 * (Xa2 - Xa1)

         iPoints(0).Y = Ya1 + T1 * (Ya2 - Ya1)

         LineLineIntReal = 0

         Exit Function

         End If

         LineLineIntReal = -1

         End Function


(c) Tangent line of two Ellipse

 From any point outside a ellipse can draw a two lines to tangent the ellipse.

The following snippet code is a function to find two tangent points to a ellipse.


Function Ellipse2Tans(ByRef myPtGiven As CadPoint, ByRef myEllipse As CadEllipse, ByRef pttans() As CadPoint) As Integer

        Ellipse2Tans = -1       

        Dim Fa As Single, Fb As Single, Fc As Single, tpt As Single

        Dim Ta As Single, Tb As Single, Tc As Single, Td As Single

        Dim Te As Single, Tf As Single

        Dim T1 As Double, T2 As Double, T3 As Double, T4 As Double, T5 As Double, T6 As Double, T7 As Double

        Dim ptAns1 As CadPoint, ptAns2 As CadPoint

        Dim ptCen As CadPoint, AA As Single, Bb As Single, Angslop As Single

        Call EllipseProp(myEllipse, ptCen, AA, Bb, Angslop)

        ptAns1.X = 99999#

        ptAns1.Y = 99999#

        ptAns2.X = 99999#

        ptAns2.Y = 99999#

        Ta = AA ^ 2 * Sin(Angslop * Ra) ^ 2 + Bb ^ 2 * Cos(Angslop * Ra) ^ 2

        Tb = AA ^ 2 * Cos(Angslop * Ra) ^ 2 + Bb ^ 2 * Sin(Angslop * Ra) ^ 2

        Tc = 2 * Sin(Angslop * Ra) * Cos(Angslop * Ra) * (Bb ^ 2 - AA ^ 2)

        Td = AA ^ 2 * Bb ^ 2

        Te = ptCen.X - myPtGiven.X

        Tf = ptCen.Y - myPtGiven.Y

        T1 = 2# * Ta * Te + Tc * Tf

        T2 = Tc * Te + 2# * Tb * Tf

        T3 = -(Tb * T1 - Tc * T2) / Ta / T1

        T4 = 2 * Tc * Td / Ta / T1

        T5 = Td / Ta

        T6 = -T2 / T1

        T7 = -2# * Td / T1

        Fa = T6 ^ 2 - T3

        Fb = 2 * T6 * T7 - T4

        Fc = T7 ^ 2 - T5

        tpt = Fb ^ 2 - 4# * Fa * Fc

        If tpt <= 0# Then

            MsgBox ("no solution for Ellipse Tangent line")

            Ellipse2Tans = -1

            Exit Function

        End If


        ptAns1.Y = (-Fb - Sqr(tpt)) / 2# / Fa

        ptAns2.Y = (-Fb + Sqr(tpt)) / 2# / Fa

        ptAns1.X = T6 * ptAns1.Y + T7

        ptAns2.X = T6 * ptAns2.Y + T7

        ptAns1.X = ptAns1.X + ptCen.X '平移

        ptAns1.Y = ptAns1.Y + ptCen.Y   '平移

        ptAns2.X = ptAns2.X + ptCen.X

        ptAns2.Y = ptAns2.Y + ptCen.Y

        ReDim Preserve pttans(0 To 1) ', Ltans(0 To 1)

        pttans(0).X = ptAns1.X

        pttans(0).Y = ptAns1.Y

        pttans(1).X = ptAns2.X

        pttans(1).Y = ptAns2.Y

        Ellipse2Tans = 1

        ' Ltans(0) = Sqr((PtTans(0).X - myPtGiven.X) ^ 2 + (PtTans(0).Y - myPtGiven.Y) ^ 2)

        'Ltans(1) = Sqr((PtTans(1).X - myPtGiven.X) ^ 2 + (PtTans(1).Y - myPtGiven.Y) ^ 2)

    End Function



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