Thiessen Polygon




Thiessen polygon

In mathematics, a Thiessen polygon(Voronoi diagram) is a way to divide a space into a number of regions. A set of control points (called seeds, sites, or stations) is specified beforehand and for each seed points there will be a corresponding closed region consisting of all points closer to that seed point than to any other. The regions are called Voronoi cells. It is dual to the Delaunay triangulation.

It is named after Georgy Voronoy, and is also called a Voronoi tessellation, a Voronoi decomposition, a Voronoi partition, or a Dirichlet tessellation. Voronoi diagrams can be found in many fields in science, enginerring , technology, art, even in medicine ,and they have found numerous theoretical algorithms and practical applications.[

The simplest case

In the simplest and most familiar case (shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2), are given a finite set of points {p1,p2,…,pi,….pn} in the Euclidean plane. In this case, each seed point pi is simply a point and its corresponding Voronoi region R, consisting of every point whose distance to pi is less than or equal to its distance to any other site point. Each such cell is obtained from the intersection of half-spaces, and hence it is a convex polygon. The segments of the Voronoi diagram are all the points in the plane that are equidistant to the two nearest sites. The Voronoi vertices (nodes) are the points equidistant to three (or more) sites.





Figure 3

Figure 4


Figure 5

Build Thiessen Polygons

Thiessen (Voronoi) polygons define individual areas of influence around each of a set of points. Thiessen polygons are polygons whose boundaries define the area that is closest to each point relative to all other points. They are mathematically defined by the perpendicular bisectors of the lines between all points


2D Points data


New polygon 

Notes :

The process of create Thiessen polygongs:

(1)Collects and input the points data (remove duplicate points)

(2)Create a Convex Hull (map boundary board)


(3)Creates a TIN structure(Trianglation)

Figure 1

(4)Find out external points and internal points.


Figure 2

(5)Create external Thiessen polygons and internal Thiessen polygons

Figure 3

(6)Computing the areas of each Thiessen polygon if need.

Figure 4


Public Function ThiessenPolygonInternal(ByVal canvas As PictureBox, ByVal Gr As Graphics, ByVal mPen As Pen, ByVal mBrush As Brush, ByVal IptGiven As Integer, Optional ByRef isFill As Boolean = True) As String

        Dim j, i, K As Short

        Dim indpts(2) As Short

        Dim CollsTriInd As New Collection

        Dim CollsTriIndNew As New Collection

        Dim stArray() As String

        Dim indTriangles() As Short

        Dim nCount As Short

        Dim iptA As String

        Dim iptB As String

        Dim stSideTest, stSideA, stSideBeg As String

        Dim stTest(3) As String

        Dim areaTpt As Single



        For i = 1 To nTriangles

            ReDim Preserve Triangles(i).ipts(0 To 2)

            If Triangles(i).ipts(0) <> IptGiven And Triangles(i).ipts(1) <> IptGiven And Triangles(i).ipts(2) <> IptGiven Then GoTo 100 '

            If Triangles(i).ipts(0) = IptGiven Then

                CollsTriInd.Add(Trim(i & "," & Triangles(i).ipts(1) & "," & Triangles(i).ipts(2)))

                GoTo 100

            End If


            If Triangles(i).ipts(1) = IptGiven Then

                CollsTriInd.Add(Trim(i & "," & Triangles(i).ipts(2) & "," & Triangles(i).ipts(0)))

                 GoTo 100

            End If


            If Triangles(i).ipts(2) = IptGiven Then

                CollsTriInd.Add(Trim(i & "," & Triangles(i).ipts(0) & "," & Triangles(i).ipts(1)))

                 GoTo 100

            End If

100:    Next i

        nCount = 0

        stArray = Split(CollsTriInd.Item(1), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

        ReDim Preserve indTriangles(nCount)

        indTriangles(nCount) = Val(stArray(0))

        iptA = stArray(1)

        iptB = stArray(2)

        stSideBeg = Trim(IptGiven & "," & iptA)

        stSideTest = Trim(IptGiven & "," & iptB)



        nCount = nCount + 1

        On Error Resume Next

200:    If CollsTriInd.Count >= 1 Then

            For i = 1 To CollsTriInd.Count


                If stSideTest = stSideBeg Then Exit For

                stArray = Split(CollsTriInd.Item(i), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

                iptA = stArray(1)

                iptB = stArray(2)

                stTest(0) = Trim(IptGiven & "," & iptA)

                stTest(1) = Trim(iptA & "," & IptGiven)

                stTest(2) = Trim(IptGiven & "," & iptB)

                stTest(3) = Trim(iptB & "," & IptGiven)


                If stSideTest = stTest(0) Or stSideTest = stTest(1) Then



                    ReDim Preserve indTriangles(nCount)

                    indTriangles(nCount) = Val(stArray(0))

                    stSideTest = stTest(2)

                    nCount = nCount + 1

                    GoTo 200

                End If


                If stSideTest = stTest(2) Or stSideTest = stTest(3) Then



                    ReDim Preserve indTriangles(nCount)

                    indTriangles(nCount) = Val(stArray(0))

                    stSideTest = stTest(0)

                    nCount = nCount + 1

                    GoTo 200

                End If


            Next i

        End If


        Dim PtsCirCen() As PointF ', Ptmid As ptXy

        Dim nptPtCen As Integer

        nptPtCen = 0

        For i = 1 To CollsTriIndNew.Count()

           stArray = Split(CollsTriIndNew.Item(i), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

            ReDim Preserve PtsCirCen(nptPtCen)

            PtsCirCen(nptPtCen) = CircumCenter(Triangles(Val(stArray(0))).ipts(0), Triangles(Val(stArray(0))).ipts(1), Triangles(Val(stArray(0))).ipts(2))

            nptPtCen = nptPtCen + 1

        Next i

        ReDim Preserve PtsCirCen(nptPtCen)

        PtsCirCen(nptPtCen) = PtsCirCen(0)


        Dim tPLinexy As PLineXy

        Dim ptsi() As PointF

        Dim iPoints() As PointF

        Dim nAns As Short

        Dim ptsIntF() As PointF

        For i = 0 To UBound(PtsCirCen)

            ReDim Preserve tPLinexy.pts(i)

            tPLinexy.pts(i) = PtsCirCen(i)

         Next i

        nAns = PolylinePolylineIntReal(tPLinexy, MapBDLPlXy, iPoints)



        Dim ptCenTpt As PointF

        Dim nPtAdd As Short, nptIntF As Integer

        Dim ptsIntFB() As PointF

        Dim LineTptA, LineTptB As LineXy

        ReDim Preserve LineTptA.pts(1), LineTptB.pts(1)

        If nAns <> -1 Then

            Erase ptsIntF

            ReDim Preserve iPoints(UBound(iPoints))

            nptIntF = 0

            For j = 0 To UBound(iPoints)

                ReDim Preserve ptsIntF(nptIntF)

                ptsIntF(nptIntF) = iPoints(j)

                nptIntF = nptIntF + 1

            Next j



            LineTptA.pts(0) = ptsIntF(0)

            LineTptA.pts(1) = ptsIntF(UBound(ptsIntF))

            nPtAdd = 0

            For i = 0 To UBound(MapBDLPlXy.pts) - 1

                LineTptB.pts(0).X = ptsXyz(IptGiven).X

                LineTptB.pts(0).Y = ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y

                LineTptB.pts(1) = MapBDLPlXy.pts(i)

                Erase iPoints

                nAns = LineLineIntReal(LineTptA, LineTptB, iPoints)

                If nAns <> -1 Then

                    ReDim Preserve iPoints(UBound(iPoints))

                    ReDim Preserve ptsIntFB(nPtAdd)

                    ptsIntFB(nPtAdd) = MapBDLPlXy.pts(i)

                 nPtAdd = nPtAdd + 1

                End If

            Next i

        End If

        nptIntF = nptIntF - 1

        nPtAdd = nPtAdd - 1



        Dim angTpt As Single

        Erase ptsi

        nCount = 0

        If nptPtCen >= 0 Then

            For j = 0 To nptPtCen

                If isPtInRegion(MapBDLPlXy.pts, PtsCirCen(j), angTpt) Then

                    ReDim Preserve ptsi(nCount)

                    ptsi(nCount) = PtsCirCen(j)

                    nCount = nCount + 1

                End If

            Next j

        End If


        If nptIntF >= 0 Then

            For j = 0 To UBound(ptsIntF)

                ReDim Preserve ptsi(nCount)

                ptsi(nCount) = ptsIntF(j)

                nCount = nCount + 1

            Next j

        End If


        If nPtAdd >= 0 Then

            For j = 0 To nPtAdd

                ReDim Preserve ptsi(nCount)

                ptsi(nCount) = ptsIntFB(j)

                nCount = nCount + 1

            Next j

        End If

        ' 繞測站依角度大小排列

        ptCenTpt.X = ptsXyz(IptGiven).X

        ptCenTpt.Y = ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y

        areaTpt = System.Math.Abs(Area_afterReorder(ptCenTpt, ptsi))

        Erase PtsCirCen

        For j = 0 To UBound(ptsi)

            ReDim Preserve PtsCirCen(j)

            PtsCirCen(j) = ptsi(j) 'PtsCirCen(j) 代替ptsI(j)

        Next j

        If isFill Then

            mBrush = New SolidBrush(RandColors(IptGiven Mod 23))

            Call FillRegionXY(Gr, mBrush, PtsCirCen)


            Gr.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Blue, 2), PtsCirCen)


        End If


        ReDim Preserve ThiessenXyzs(nThiessen)

        With ThiessenXyzs(nThiessen)

            .indPt = IptGiven

            .coverArea = areaTpt

            .ptStaXyz.X = ptsXyz(IptGiven).X

            .ptStaXyz.Y = ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y

            .ptStaXyz.z = ptsXyz(IptGiven).z

            For i = 0 To UBound(PtsCirCen)

                ReDim Preserve ThiessenXyzs(nThiessen).PLgon.pts(i)

                .PLgon.pts(i) = PtsCirCen(i)

            Next i

            Frmdocument.List1.Items.Add("sta_ " & IptGiven & " ;area= " & areaTpt)

            sumAreaOfAll = sumAreaOfAll + areaTpt

            nThiessen = nThiessen + 1

        End With



    End Function


    Public Function ThiessenPolygonExternal(ByVal canvas As PictureBox, ByVal Gr As Graphics, ByVal mPen As Pen, ByVal mBrush As Brush, ByVal IptGiven As Integer, Optional ByRef isFill As Boolean = True) As String

        Dim j, i As Short

        Dim indpts(2) As Short

        Dim CollsTriInd As New Collection

        Dim CollsTriIndNew As New Collection

        Dim stArray() As String

        Dim nCount As Short

        Dim stTest(3) As String

        Dim LineOutA, LineOutB As LineXy

        ReDim LineOutA.pts(0 To 1), LineOutB.pts(0 To 1)

        Dim ptsCenKey(1) As PointF

        Dim PtMid As PointF

        Dim isPtOnBDL As Boolean

        Dim IndKeyTriAng As Short

        Dim LineTptA, LineTpt, LineTptB As LineXy

        ReDim Preserve LineTptA.pts(0 To 1), LineTpt.pts(0 To 1), LineTptB.pts(0 To 1)

        Dim PtsCirCen() As PointF

        Dim nAns As Short

        Dim iPoints() As PointF

        Dim ptsIntF() As PointF

        Dim areaTpt As Single

        Dim Lmin, lTest As Single

        Dim ptsVert(1) As PointF

        Dim IndKeyIpt As Short


        Dim indMin As Short

        Dim sideStrGiven, sidestrEnd As String

        Dim ptsKey() As PointF



        For i = 1 To nTriangles

            If Triangles(i).ipts(0) = IptGiven Or Triangles(i).ipts(1) = IptGiven Or Triangles(i).ipts(2) = IptGiven Then

                For j = 0 To 2

                    If Triangles(i).ipts(j) <> IptGiven Then '不等於iptGiven 之點編碼

                        IndKeyIpt = Triangles(i).ipts(j)


                        PtMid.X = (ptsXyz(IptGiven).X + ptsXyz(IndKeyIpt).X) / 2.0#

                        PtMid.Y = (ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y + ptsXyz(IndKeyIpt).Y) / 2.0#

                        isPtOnBDL = isPtOnOutBdl(PtMid)


                        If isPtOnBDL = True Then

                            sideStrGiven = Trim(IptGiven & "," & IndKeyIpt)

                            IndKeyTriAng = i

                            Exit For

                        End If

                    End If


                Next j

            End If

        Next i

        Dim IndTriAngs() As Short

        Call From1SideFindAllTriAng(IptGiven, sideStrGiven, IndKeyTriAng, sidestrEnd, IndTriAngs)

       nCount = 0

        For i = 0 To UBound(IndTriAngs)

            ReDim Preserve PtsCirCen(nCount)

            PtsCirCen(nCount) = CircumCenter(Triangles(IndTriAngs(i)).ipts(0), Triangles(IndTriAngs(i)).ipts(1), Triangles(IndTriAngs(i)).ipts(2))

         nCount = nCount + 1

        Next i


        Dim ptsCenTmp() As PointF


        nCount = 0

        Dim mPLxy As PLineXy

        Dim nIntCen_Map_1 As Short

        For i = 0 To UBound(PtsCirCen)

            ReDim Preserve mPLxy.pts(nCount)

            mPLxy.pts(nCount) = PtsCirCen(i)

            nCount = nCount + 1

        Next i

        nAns = PolylinePolylineIntReal(mPLxy, MapBDLPlXy, iPoints)

        If nAns = -1 Then

           nIntCen_Map_1 = 0

            ptsXyz(IptGiven).indIntMapFore = -99

            ptsXyz(IptGiven).indIntMapBack = -99

           GoTo 100

        End If



        Dim nptInt As Integer

        If nAns <> -1 Then

            ReDim Preserve iPoints(UBound(iPoints))

            nptInt = 0

            For j = 0 To UBound(iPoints)

                ReDim Preserve ptsIntF(nCount)

                ptsIntF(nptInt) = iPoints(j)

                nptInt = nptInt + 1

            Next j

        End If



        Dim isInRgnLL, isInRgnUU As Boolean

        isInRgnLL = isPtInRegion(MapBDLPlXy.pts, PtsCirCen(0))

        isInRgnUU = isPtInRegion(MapBDLPlXy.pts, PtsCirCen(UBound(PtsCirCen)))

        Dim PtsExtA, PtsExtB As PointF

        Dim nptExtA As Integer, nptExtB As Integer

        nptExtA = 0 : nptExtB = 0

        If isInRgnLL = True Then

            stArray = Split(sideStrGiven, ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

            PtMid.X = (ptsXyz(Val(stArray(0))).X + ptsXyz(Val(stArray(1))).X) / 2

            PtMid.Y = (ptsXyz(Val(stArray(0))).Y + ptsXyz(Val(stArray(1))).Y) / 2

            LineTptA.pts(0) = ptOnLine_GivenDist(PtMid, PtsCirCen(0), 2000)

            LineTptA.pts(1) = ptOnLine_GivenDist(PtsCirCen(0), PtMid, 2000)

             nAns = PolyLineLineIntReal(MapBDLPlXy, LineTptA, iPoints)

            If nAns <> -1 Then

                Lmin = 99999

                indMin = -99

                ReDim Preserve iPoints(UBound(iPoints))

                For j = 0 To UBound(iPoints)

                    lTest = LenLineXy(PtsCirCen(0), iPoints(j))

                    If lTest < Lmin Then

                        Lmin = lTest

                        indMin = j

                    End If

                Next j


                PtsExtA = iPoints(indMin)

                nptExtA = nptExtA + 1


            End If

        End If


        If isInRgnUU = True Then

            stArray = Split(sidestrEnd, ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

            PtMid.X = (ptsXyz(Val(stArray(0))).X + ptsXyz(Val(stArray(1))).X) / 2

            PtMid.Y = (ptsXyz(Val(stArray(0))).Y + ptsXyz(Val(stArray(1))).Y) / 2

            LineTptB.pts(0) = ptOnLine_GivenDist(PtMid, PtsCirCen(UBound(PtsCirCen)), 2000)

            LineTptB.pts(1) = ptOnLine_GivenDist(PtsCirCen(UBound(PtsCirCen)), PtMid, 2000)

            nAns = PolyLineLineIntReal(MapBDLPlXy, LineTptB, iPoints)

            If nAns <> -1 Then

                Lmin = 99999

                indMin = -99

                ReDim Preserve iPoints(UBound(iPoints))

                For j = 0 To UBound(iPoints)

                    lTest = LenLineXy(PtsCirCen(0), iPoints(j))

                    If lTest < Lmin Then

                        Lmin = lTest

                        indMin = j

                    End If

                Next j


                PtsExtB = iPoints(indMin)

                nptExtB = nptExtB + 1

                End If

        End If

        nptInt = nptInt - 1

        nptExtA = nptExtA - 1

        nptExtB = nptExtB - 1



        nCount = 0

        Dim ptsTp() As PointF

        Erase ptsTp

        If nptExtA >= 0 Then

            ReDim Preserve ptsTp(nCount)

            ptsTp(nCount) = PtsExtA

            nCount = nCount + 1

        End If

        If nptExtB >= 0 Then

            ReDim Preserve ptsTp(nCount)

            ptsTp(nCount) = PtsExtB

            nCount = nCount + 1

        End If

        If nptInt >= 0 Then

            For i = 0 To nptInt

                ReDim Preserve ptsTp(nCount)

                ptsTp(nCount) = ptsIntF(i)

                nCount = nCount + 1


        End If

        On Error Resume Next

        If nCount >= 1 Then

            Dim collPts As New Collection


            For i = 0 To nCount

                collPts.Add(Trim(Round(ptsTp(i).X, 0) & "," & Round(ptsTp(i).Y, 0)))


            Call SortStr_Duplicate(collPts)

            If collPts.Count <> 2 Then MsgBox("error in collpts computing")

            If collPts.Count = 2 Then

                For i = 1 To collPts.Count

                    stArray = Split(collPts(i), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

                    LineTptA.pts(i - 1).X = Val(stArray(0))

                    LineTptA.pts(i - 1).Y = Val(stArray(1))


            End If

        End If


        Dim ptRefer As PointF

        ptRefer.X = ptsXyz(IptGiven).X

        ptRefer.Y = ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y

        Dim collsPtxy As New Collection

        Dim collsMile As New Collection



        Call ptXY_MilesOfPLine(MapBDLPlXy, collsPtxy, collsMile)

        ptXY_MilesOfPLineAdd1Pt(MapBDLPlXy, LineTptA.pts(0), "", collsPtxy, collsMile)

        ptXY_MilesOfPLineAdd1Pt(MapBDLPlXy, LineTptA.pts(1), "", collsPtxy, collsMile)

        ptXY_MilesOfPLineAdd1Pt(MapBDLPlXy, ptRefer, "", collsPtxy, collsMile)

        Dim keyMiles() As Single, keyMilesAs Single, iCase As Integer

        Dim nptKeyMilesAs Integer

        nptKeyMiles= 0

        For i = 1 To collsPtxy.Count

            stArray = Split(collsPtxy(i), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

            If stArray(0) = "" Then

                ReDim Preserve keyMiles(nptKeyMiles)

                keyMiles(nptKeyMiles) = collsMile(i)

                nptKeyMiles= nptKeyMiles+ 1

            End If

            If stArray(0) = "" Then keyMiles= collsMile(i)

        Next i


        If keyMiles> keyMiles(0) And keyMiles< keyMiles(1) Then iCase = 0

        If keyMiles> keyMiles(1) Or keyMiles< keyMiles(0) Then iCase = 1

        Dim nPtAdd As Integer, ptsAddOnMapBdl() As PointF

        nPtAdd = 0

        Select Case iCase

            Case 0

                For i = 1 To collsPtxy.Count

                    stArray = Split(collsPtxy(i), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

                    If Val(collsMile(i)) > keyMiles(0) And Val(collsMile(i)) < keyMiles(1) And Abs(Val(collsMile(i)) - keyMiles) > 1.0 Then

                        ReDim Preserve ptsAddOnMapBdl(nPtAdd)

                        ptsAddOnMapBdl(nPtAdd).X = Val(stArray(1))

                        ptsAddOnMapBdl(nPtAdd).Y = Val(stArray(2))

                        nPtAdd = nPtAdd + 1

                    End If

                Next i

            Case 1

                For i = 1 To collsPtxy.Count

                    stArray = Split(collsPtxy(i), ",", -1, CompareMethod.Text)

                    If (Val(collsMile(i)) < keyMiles(0) Or Val(collsMile(i)) > keyMiles(1)) And Abs(Val(collsMile(i)) - keyMiles) > 1.0 Then

                        ReDim Preserve ptsAddOnMapBdl(nPtAdd)

                        ptsAddOnMapBdl(nPtAdd).X = Val(stArray(1))

                        ptsAddOnMapBdl(nPtAdd).Y = Val(stArray(2))

                        nPtAdd = nPtAdd + 1

                    End If

                Next i

        End Select



        nPtAdd = nPtAdd - 1



        Dim ptsI() As PointF

        Erase ptsI

        nCount = 0

        For i = 0 To UBound(PtsCirCen)

            If isPtInRegion(MapBDLPlXy.pts, PtsCirCen(i)) Then

                ReDim Preserve ptsI(nCount)

                ptsI(nCount) = PtsCirCen(i)

                nCount = nCount + 1

            End If

        Next i



        If nptExtA >= 0 Then

            ReDim Preserve ptsI(nCount)

            ptsI(nCount) = PtsExtA

            nCount = nCount + 1

        End If


        If nptExtB >= 0 Then

            ReDim Preserve ptsI(nCount)

            ptsI(nCount) = PtsExtB

            nCount = nCount + 1

        End If



        If nPtAdd >= 0 Then

            For j = 0 To nPtAdd

                ReDim Preserve ptsI(nCount)

                ptsI(nCount) = ptsAddOnMapBdl(j)

                nCount = nCount + 1

            Next j

        End If

        '(4) 圖界交點

        If nptInt >= 0 Then

            For j = 0 To nptInt

                ReDim Preserve ptsI(nCount)

                ptsI(nCount) = ptsIntF(j)

                nCount = nCount + 1

            Next j

        End If

        ' 繞測站依角度大小排列

        Dim ptCenTpt As PointF

        ptCenTpt.X = ptsXyz(IptGiven).X

        ptCenTpt.Y = ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y

        areaTpt = System.Math.Abs(Area_afterReorder(ptCenTpt, ptsI))

        Erase PtsCirCen

        For j = 0 To UBound(ptsI)

            ReDim Preserve PtsCirCen(j)

            PtsCirCen(j) = ptsI(j) 'PtsCirCen(j) 代替ptsI(j)

        Next j

        If isFill Then

            mBrush = New SolidBrush(RandColors(IptGiven Mod 23)) '(ZColA(IptGiven + 3 Mod 255))

            Call FillRegionXY(Gr, mBrush, ptsI)


            Gr.DrawPolygon(New Pen(Color.Blue, 2), ptsI)

        End If

        ReDim Preserve ThiessenXyzs(nThiessen)

        With ThiessenXyzs(nThiessen)

            .indPt = IptGiven

            .coverArea = areaTpt

            .ptStaXyz.X = ptsXyz(IptGiven).X

            .ptStaXyz.Y = ptsXyz(IptGiven).Y

            .ptStaXyz.z = ptsXyz(IptGiven).z

            For i = 0 To UBound(PtsCirCen)

                ReDim Preserve ThiessenXyzs(nThiessen).PLgon.pts(i)

                .PLgon.pts(i) = PtsCirCen(i)

            Next i

            Frmdocument.List1.Items.Add("sta_ " & IptGiven & " ;area= " & areaTpt)

            sumAreaOfAll = sumAreaOfAll + areaTpt

            nThiessen = nThiessen + 1

        End With

200:    canvas.Refresh()

    End Function

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首頁 | Thiessen Polygon | Collection object in vb 6 | Duplicate | Offset a curve | Ellipse | ImplicitFunction | get polygon | NonLineearSystemEquations | Get Polygon from FloodFill | UDT Pattern Brush in vb | Using VB NET predefined Pattern brush and known colors | VB NET extFloodfill

上次修改此網站的日期: 2018年11月25日