tube plotting(3D)





Tube plot in VB 6.0/ VB NET

Tube Plot

Parametric curves in three space can be difficult to Visualize and draw without the help of graphing package, for a 3D curve like

x=4cos(t),y=4sin(t),z=t   (0<=t<=3pi)

It’s graph shown as following is drawn by computer,




It is still difficult to tell the intersection from which one is in front of the other. To solve the visualization problem, we can draw this kind of curve by drawing the curve enclosing with a thin tube as shown following. Such graphs are called tube plot.

A tube plot is a special case of so called extruded surface. A shape extrusion is the process of forcing a shape displacement along a specific path like the figure shown as following. The basic shape(red) displace along a path(black) get the surface(blue),if the path is a smooth 3d line and the basic shape is a circle then the extruded surface is a 3d tube surface.




Tube Drawing

  The concept of tube drawing is quite simple and easy. The process of tube drawing can be summarized as following:


(1)To divide path line as some line segments,ptspath(0)~ptspath(n+1).

(2)At point ptspath(0), we find a point on the circle(radius is given) as a start point, ptStart.

(3) Rotate the ptStart about line segment ptspath(0)_ptspath(1) m times ,each time using (360/n) degree,we get the basic circle at stage 0, points(0,0)~points(0,m).

(4) Move ptStart to next Stage, call ptStart_1, then rotate the ptStart_1 about line segment ptspath(1)_ptspath(2) m times getting points(1,0)~points(1,m).




(5) Move ptStart to n Stage, call ptStart_n, then rotate the ptStart_n about line segment ptspath(n-1)_ptspath(n) m times getting points(n,0)~points(n,m).

(6) Tranform the 3d points(i,j).Coord(0~3) to 2d projector point points(i,j).Trans(0~3)

(7) Draw tube surface.


The key snippet codes in Vb(VB Net) are listed as following:


Part A:

Type ptXyz    ‘Structure ptXyz  for VB Net

   X As Single

   Y As Single

   Z As Single

End Type     ‘End Structure for VB Net


Type Point3D

    coord(0 To 3) As Single ' Original coordinates.

    trans(0 To 3) As Single ' Translated coordinates.

    PrjBotm(0 To 1) As Single

    PrjSide(0 To 1) As Single

    PrjBack(0 To 1) As Single

    ptRGBcol  As Long

End Type

Public Type LineXyz

 pts(0 To 1) As ptXyz

End Type


‘V1Domn2=x2; V1Domn1=x1

‘V2Domn2=y2; V1Domn1=y1

‘V3Domn2=z3; V1Domn1=z1

‘NdoXU: No of loop along path line.

‘NdoYV: No of loop along circle shape.



dxU = (V1Domn2 - V1Domn1) / (NdoXU - 1)

            dyV = (V2Domn2 - V2Domn1) / (NdoYV - 1)

            ReDim ptsPath(0 To NdoXU + 1)

            For i = 0 To NdoXU + 1

            Dim uTpt As Double

            uTpt = CDbl(i * dxU)

            ptsPath(i) = newPointXyz(GetX_Y_ZValFromU(glVbScriptA, XEq, uTpt), GetX_Y_ZValFromU(glVbScriptB, YEq, uTpt), GetX_Y_ZValFromU(glVbScriptC, ZEq, uTpt))

            Next i

    Dim AngRot As Single

    Dim ptTpt As ptXyz

    ReDim Points(0 To NdoXU, 0 To NdoYV)

For i = 0 To NdoXU  'along path

      Dim mLine As LineXyz, ptStart As ptXyz

      mLine.pts(0) = ptsPath(i)

      mLine.pts(1) = ptsPath(i + 1)

      If i = 0 Then

      ptStart = ClosestPtAtEndLineXyz_DistGiven(mLine, radTube)


      ptStart.X = ptStart.X + ptsPath(i).X - ptsPath(i - 1).X

      ptStart.Y = ptStart.Y + ptsPath(i).Y - ptsPath(i - 1).Y

      ptStart.Z = ptStart.Z + ptsPath(i).Z - ptsPath(i - 1).Z

      End If

     For j = 0 To NdoYV  'along circle

        AngRot = dyV * j * math.Da

      Call m3RotAboutLineGetPtxyzA(mLine.pts(0), mLine.pts(1), ptStart, AngRot, ptTpt)

      Points(i, j).coord(0) = ptTpt.X

      Points(i, j).coord(1) = ptTpt.Y

      Points(i, j).coord(2) = ptTpt.Z

      Points(i, j).coord(3) = 1#

    Next j

Next i

Part B:


Public Function ClosestPtAtEndLineXyz_DistGiven(mLineXyz As LineXyz, myDist As Single) As ptXyz

'given distance to find end point of a line segment

Dim ptAny As ptXyz

ptAny = newPointXyz(10, 10, 10)

Dim ptVFootAny As ptXyz

ptVFootAny = ClosestPtToLineXyz(mLineXyz, ptAny)

Dim ptAtDistGiven As ptXyz

ptAtDistGiven = ptxyzonLineXyz_GivenDist(ptVFootAny, ptAny, myDist)

Dim dx As Single

Dim dy As Single

Dim dz As Single

dx = mLineXyz.pts(0).X - ptVFootAny.X

dy = mLineXyz.pts(0).Y - ptVFootAny.Y

dz = mLineXyz.pts(0).Z - ptVFootAny.Z

ClosestPtAtEndLineXyz_DistGiven.X = ptAtDistGiven.X + dx

ClosestPtAtEndLineXyz_DistGiven.Y = ptAtDistGiven.Y + dy

ClosestPtAtEndLineXyz_DistGiven.Z = ptAtDistGiven.Z + dz


End Function


Public Function ReflectionPointXyz(mLineXyz As LineXyz, ptOutside As ptXyz) As ptXyz

Dim ptRotBeg As ptXyz

Dim ptRotEnd As ptXyz

Dim ptReflect As ptXyz

ptRotBeg = mLineXyz.pts(0)

ptRotEnd = mLineXyz.pts(1)

Call m3RotAboutLineGetPtxyzA(ptRotBeg, ptRotEnd, ptOutside, 180, ptReflect)

ReflectionPointXyz = ptReflect

End Function


Public Sub m3RotAboutLineGetPtxyzA(ptRotBeg As ptXyz, ptRotEnd As ptXyz, ptIn As ptXyz, CitaDeg As Single, ptOut As ptXyz)

   Dim A As Single, B As Single, C As Single, U As Single, V As Single, W As Single, CitaR As Single, L As Single

   Dim Xin As Single, Yin As Single, Zin As Single

   A = ptRotBeg.X'

   B = ptRotBeg.Y

   C = ptRotBeg.Z

   U = ptRotEnd.X - ptRotBeg.X

   V = ptRotEnd.Y - ptRotBeg.Y

   W = ptRotEnd.Z - ptRotBeg.Z

   Xin = ptIn.X

   Yin = ptIn.Y

   Zin = ptIn.Z

   CitaR = CitaDeg * PI / 180#

   L = Sqr(U ^ 2 + V ^ 2 + W ^ 2)


  ptOut.X = (A * (L ^ 2 - U ^ 2) + U * (-B * V - C * W + U * Xin + V * Yin + W * Zin) + ((Xin - A) * (L ^ 2 - U ^ 2) + U * (B * V + C * W - V * Yin - W * Zin)) * Cos(CitaR) _

          + L * (-C * V + B * W - W * Yin + V * Zin) * Sin(CitaR)) / L ^ 2

  ptOut.Y = (B * (L ^ 2 - V ^ 2) + V * (-A * U - C * W + U * Xin + V * Yin + W * Zin) + ((Yin - B) * (L ^ 2 - V ^ 2) + V * (A * U + C * W - U * Xin - W * Zin)) * Cos(CitaR) _

          + L * (C * U - A * W + W * Xin - U * Zin) * Sin(CitaR)) / L ^ 2

  ptOut.Z = (C * (L ^ 2 - W ^ 2) + W * (-A * U - B * V + U * Xin + V * Yin + W * Zin) + ((Zin - C) * (L ^ 2 - W ^ 2) + W * (A * U + B * V - U * Xin - V * Yin)) * Cos(CitaR) _

          + L * (-B * U + A * V - V * Xin + U * Yin) * Sin(CitaR)) / L ^ 2


   End Sub

ContourPlot_0001 @ 隨意窩 Xuite 影音


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首頁 | Function plotting(3D) | Rotation/reflection(3D) | Projection/Transformation(3D) | Contour plotting(3d) | tube plotting(3D) | VB NET座標系統簡介 | Joint line segments

上次修改此網站的日期: 2018年11月25日