Joint line segments


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上次修改此網站的日期: 2018年12月02日

Joint line segments to a polyline (polylines)


In computer graphic, especially in contour line plotting, we may need to connect some line segments to a polyline or polylines. In this article we will discuss how to connect line segments to a polyline or polylines. For exmaple, we have a set of line segments :


 [(50, 10, 0), (40, 15, 0)] , [(40, 15, 0),(30, 18, 0)] , [(30, 18, 0),(20, 20, 0)] , [(20, 20, 0),(25, 25, 0)] ,[(25, 25, 0),18, 30, 0)] , [(60, 40, 0),(50, 48, 0)] , [(50, 48, 0),(65, 65, 0)],[(4, 5, 0),(0, 8, 0)] , [(0, 8, 0),(5, 12, 0)] , [(5, 12, 0),(50, 10, 0)] , [(90, 90, 0),(80, 80, 0)],[(70, 85, 0),(93, 93, 0)]


   In Figure 1, the drawings with black color are line segment of original data, the

red one are polylines after classification. The simple way to classify the line segments is quite simple and easy. In general, two line segments can be jointed together, their x ,y coordinates should be ether one of four types(Figure 2).


(1)   Head of first and head of second are same:

Reverse the coordinate of second line segment and then joint the second line segment before the first one.

(2)   Head of first and tail of second are same:

joint the second line segment before the first one directly.


(3)   Tail of First and tail of second are same:

Reverse the coordinate of second line segment and then joint the second line segment after the first one.

(4)   Tail of First and head of second are same:

joint the second line segment after the first one directly.





Figure 1


The following snippet codes are the key program of joint line segments to a polyline

or polylines.

Public Sub PolylinesFromLineSegments(LineSegments_0() As LineXyz, ansPLines_0() As PLineXyz)


            Dim stBase As String, stTest(0 To 1) As String

            Dim i As Integer

            Dim collLines As New Collection, count As Integer, j As Integer

            Set collLines = Nothing

            For i = 0 To UBound(LineSegments_0)

            collLines.Add Trim(Round(LineSegments_0(i).pts(0).X, 2) & "," & Round(LineSegments_0(i).pts(0).Y, 2) & "," & Round(LineSegments_0(i).pts(1).X, 2) & "," & Round(LineSegments_0(i).pts(1).Y, 2))

            'List1.AddItem collLines.ITEM(i + 1)

            Next i

            'MsgBox ("colllines.count=" & collLines.count)

            'start from linesgements(0)

            Dim collPlines() As New Collection, stBeg As String, stEnd As String, stTestBeg As String, stTestEnd As String

            Dim stArrayA() As String, stArrayB() As String, stAddBeg As String, stAddend As String

            Dim nPline As Integer

            nPline = 0

            ReDim Preserve collPlines(0 To nPline)

            Set collPlines(nPline) = Nothing


            Do While collLines.count >= 1

            collPlines(nPline).Add collLines.ITEM(1)

            collLines.Remove (1)


            stArrayA = Split(collPlines(nPline).ITEM(1), ",", -1)

            stBeg = Trim(stArrayA(0) & "," & stArrayA(1))

            stEnd = Trim(stArrayA(2) & "," & stArrayA(3))

             'If collLines.count >= 1 Then

60:                   For i = 1 To collLines.count

                      ' MsgBox (" collLines.ITEM(i)= " & collLines.ITEM(i))

                        stArrayB = Split(collLines.ITEM(i), ",", -1)

                        stTestBeg = Trim(stArrayB(0) & "," & stArrayB(1))

                        stTestEnd = Trim(stArrayB(2) & "," & stArrayB(3))

                        'case 0

‘head of LinesegmentA same as head of LinesegmentB

                        If stBeg = stTestBeg Then

                                stAddBeg = Trim(stTestEnd & "," & stTestBeg) ' reverse beg & end then add at first

                                collPlines(nPline).Add stAddBeg, , 1

                                collLines.Remove (i)

                                stBeg = stTestEnd



                                 GoTo 60

                        End If

                        ‘case 1

                        ‘head of LinesegmentA same as tail of LinesegmentB


                        If stBeg = stTestEnd Then

                              stAddBeg = Trim(stTestBeg & "," & stTestEnd)

                              collPlines(nPline).Add stAddBeg, , 1

                              collLines.Remove (i)

                              stBeg = stTestBeg


                              GoTo 60

                        End If

                         'case 2

‘Tail of LinesegmentA same as tail of LinesegmentB

                        If stEnd = stTestEnd Then

                            stAddend = Trim(stTestEnd & "," & stTestBeg) ' ‘reverse beg & end then add at last

                            collPlines(nPline).Add stAddend, , , collPlines(nPline).count

                            collLines.Remove (i)


                            stEnd = stTestBeg

                            GoTo 60

                        End If

'case 3

‘Tail of LinesegmentA same as head of LinesegmentB

                        If stEnd = stTestBeg Then

                            stAddend = Trim(stTestBeg & "," & stTestEnd) '  add at last

                            collPlines(nPline).Add stAddend, , , collPlines(nPline).count

                            collLines.Remove (i)


                            stEnd = stTestEnd

                            GoTo 60

                        End If

               Next i


            'End If


            Dim npt As Integer

            npt = 0

            For j = 1 To collPlines(nPline).count

            'List1.AddItem "npline=  " & nPline & "  ;j=" & j & " ; " & collPlines(nPline).ITEM(j)

            stArrayA = Split(collPlines(nPline).ITEM(j), ",", -1, vbTextCompare)

                    ReDim Preserve ansPLines_0(nPline)

                    ReDim Preserve ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(0 To npt)

                    ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(npt).X = Val(stArrayA(0))

                    ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(npt).Y = Val(stArrayA(1))


                    npt = npt + 1

            Next j

             ReDim Preserve ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(0 To npt)

                    ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(npt).X = Val(stArrayA(2))

                    ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(npt).Y = Val(stArrayA(3))


            'For j = 0 To UBound(ansPLines_0(nPline).pts)

             'If j = 0 Then

             'PicContour.PSet (ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(j).X, ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(j).Y)


             'PicContour.DrawWidth = 3

             'PicContour.Line -(ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(j).X, ansPLines_0(nPline).pts(j).Y), vbRed

             'End If

            'Next j


            nPline = nPline + 1

            ReDim Preserve collPlines(0 To nPline)

            Set collPlines(nPline) = Nothing

              GoTo 50


End Sub




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