





物件導向程式設計,是程式設計界熱烈話題、主流,觀念比較難懂抽象,當程式編輯者如已熟悉基本的程式設計作業工作,想要進一步提昇程式設計能力的深度及廣度時,就必須熟諳物件導向程式設計的『觀念及方法』。物件導向本身使用很多抽象的「方法及理論」,而不再是只專注於程式設計的實質內容。VB.Net 是一種物件導向程式(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)設計語言。物件導向程式設計是程式設計的一種方式,在物件導向程式設計中,程式設計師可以用類別(Class)區塊,將相關的屬性(Property)、方法(Methods,函數、程式)、事件(Events)等程式碼包夾在程式命名空間(NameSpace,資料圖書館)區塊中,稱之為「類別」,所以程式設計師可以設計許多的類別,以便於日後重複使用,或將其封裝成為動態資料連接庫(Dll)供他人使用。OOP程式設計的有三大特性:(1)封裝(Encapsulation)(2)繼承(Inheritance)(3)多態或多型(Polymorphism)等,可以讓程式維護、修改、擴充更容易。本章與下一章均會討論與類別有關的內容,本章將著重於一般名詞及初級觀念的解釋,下一章則較偏重實際內容的討論。



(1)直接呼叫私有函數 areaT(引數)


Private Sub btnClassArea1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClassArea1.Click

        Dim myWidth = InputBox("請輸入長方形寬度"'取得變數width

        Dim myHeight = InputBox("請輸入長方形高度")

        Dim area1 = areaT(myWidth, myHeight)

        MsgBox("Method1:area= " & area1)

    End Sub


    Private Function areaT(ByVal wid As Double, ByVal ht As Double) As Double

        If wid <= 0 Or ht <= 0 Then


            Exit Function


            Return wid * ht

        End If

    End Function



Private Sub btnClassArea2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClassArea2.Click

        Dim myWidth = InputBox("請輸入長方形寬度"'取得變數width

        Dim myHeight = InputBox("請輸入長方形高度") '取得ClsArea公有變數height

        Dim B As New ClsArea2

        B.width = myWidth

        B.height = myHeight

        Dim area2 As Double = B.area2()

        MsgBox("Method2:public width,height, area= " & area2)

    End Sub


Public Class ClsArea2

    Public width As Double

    Public height As Double


    Public Function area2() As Double

        '傳回 _width*_height

        Return width * height

    End Function

End Class



Private Sub btnClassArea3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClassArea3.Click

        Dim myWidth = InputBox("請輸入長方形寬度"'取得變數width

        Dim myHeight = InputBox("請輸入長方形高度") '取得ClsArea公有變數height

        Dim A As New ClsArea3(myWidth, myHeight)

        Dim area3 As Double = A.area3

        MsgBox("Method3:private _width,_height,New(width,ht),area=Area= " & area3)

    End Sub


Public Class ClsArea3

    Private _width As Double

    Private _height As Double

    Private _errNo As Integer

    Public Sub New(ByVal width As Double, ByVal ht As Double)

        If width <= 0 Or ht <= 0 Then


            _errNo = -1

            Exit Sub


            _errNo = 0

            _width = width

            _height = ht

        End If

    End Sub

    Public Function area3() As Double

        If _errNo < 0 Then


            Return -1



            Return _width * _height

        End If

    End Function


End Class



Private Sub butClassArea4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles butClassArea4.Click

        Dim myWidth = InputBox("請輸入長方形寬度"'取得變數width

        Dim myHeight = InputBox("請輸入長方形高度") '取得ClsArea公有變數height

        Dim A As New ClsArea4

        Dim myError As Double

        A.width = myWidth      '透過ClsArea2屬性width取得tWidth

        A.height = myHeight    '透過ClsArea2屬性height取得theight

        myError = A.width   '如為負值代表輸入資料錯誤

        myError = myError + A.height  '如為負值代表輸入資料錯誤

        If myError < 0 Then

            MsgBox("Error= " & myError & " 資料輸入有誤,請檢查後重來")

            Exit Sub


           Dim Area4 As Double = A.area4()          '注意!!!原形函數area()並無引數

            MsgBox("Method4:private _width,_height,New(),area=Area= " & Area4)

        End If

    End Sub

End Class


Public Class ClsArea4

    Private _width As Double

    Private _height As Double


    Public Property width() As Double  '設定width屬性


            Return _width

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Double)

            If value < 0 Then


                _width = -1.0E+30      '輸入負值後以-1.0E+30代表

                Exit Property


                _width = value

            End If

        End Set

    End Property


    Public Property height() As Double  '設定height屬性


            Return _height

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Double)

            If value < 0 Then


                _height = -1.0E+30    '輸入負值後以-1.0E+30代表

                Exit Property


                _height = value

            End If

        End Set

    End Property

    Public Function area4() As Double

        '傳回 _width*_height

        Return _width * _height

    End Function

End Class


類別Class可透過Inheritance(繼承)來繼承原有類別所有Public屬性、方法及事件,如有需要也可以修改或擴充Class的內容。可以被繼承的原始類別稱為「基礎Class」或「父Class」,繼承基礎Class的新Class稱為「衍生Class」或「Class」。衍生Class會繼承基礎Class的「Public成員」,然後依需求直接使用或是改寫基礎Class的功能與擴充衍生其他功能。.NET Framework繼承關係只會向下傳遞,而且.NET Framework不支援多重繼承,每一個Class只能繼承一個ClassVB.NET中的視窗表單(WinForm)、控制項等都是一種類別,因此它都可以拿來作為基礎父類別,下面的程式碼及執行成果就是利用繼承VB.NET的文字方塊類別的最簡單繼承例子。


Public Class Form2

    Class TextBox '類別TextBox

        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox '宣告繼承自WinFormTextBox類別

    End Class


    Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

        Dim txt1 As New TextBox '宣告txt1 TextBox類別

        Me.Controls.Add(txt1)  'Me指作用中表單,自動加入TextBox

        txt1.Multiline = True

        txt1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle 'TextBox外框

        txt1.Left = 100

        txt1.Top = 100

        txt1.Width = 100

        txt1.Height = 30

        txt1.Text = "VB.NET" 'txt1書寫"VB.NET"

    End Sub

End Class





要探討基礎父類別與衍生子類別的繼承關係,可以兩種不同方式來觀察。如果由「上、下關係」來說,則衍生子類別為父類別的細化(Refinement),父類別細化後的衍生子類別項目特性是基礎父類別所沒有的。如以哺乳動物(Mammal animal)為父類別為例,他們共同的特徵有:溫血、哺乳、有腳、會動、會吃、會叫……等,人類是哺乳動物中的一種,如人類視為哺乳動物的衍生類別,則人類特有的『會說話、會笑、會哭、會寫字、會計算.』等特性就是類別哺乳動物-人類類別的細化項目。

另一方面從「下、上關係」來說,是將子類別中有共同特徵,全部抽離彙集(Abstraction)起來就可以組成基礎父類別,這種抽離彙集作業亦稱之為共同化(Generalization)。以繪圖程式來說,您可以定義規範一個可以畫點、線(直線、弧)、面(矩形、多邊形、園、橢圓)、組合圖形(多種圖元組合)的畫圖類別。這些畫圖物件中如線條顏色、線寬(Pens)、塗抹顏色(Brushes),為這些類別的共同特性,因此可以將其抽離出來作為基礎類別;而所有圖元其外框都可以以矩形為邊界包含,因此其也可以被抽離出來作為基礎類別。您可以將這些共同的屬性或方法抽離後定義一個名稱為「Drawable」基礎父類別,在Drawable中定義所有圖形的邊界矩形為單一變數Rectangle,將畫圖的畫筆、筆刷各別定義成類別。同時定義DrawObject為可以畫所有圖形的方法(程序),在DrawObject畫圖程序前用MustOverrides關鍵字將DrawObject定義為抽象方法,其實作必須藉DrawObject所有衍生類別來執行完成,在Drawable類別定義其應有的參數。如此將共同物件抽離後,所有子類別間重複及共同的程式碼就可以刪除精簡,這就是利用OOP的好處。為能讓人清楚瞭解衍生類別及基礎類別的繼承關係,可以將Drawable類別的衍生類別物件名稱,在Drawable後加 寫圖元名稱如:DrawableLineDrawableEllipseDrawableRectangleDrawablePolylineDrawablePolygon,如此不但能讓人清楚瞭解其相互間繼承關係,也不會與命名空間提供的繪圖方法混淆。為方便圖元的存取,也可以在Drawable基礎類別中另定義一個DrawAllObject來存取所有畫在繪圖物件上的圖元。如下面的片段程式碼:(1)抽象基礎類別為Drawable(以關鍵字MustInherit修飾)Drawable中屬性及方法多宣告為Public,抽象基礎類別Drawable中包含抽象方法Sub DrawFunction GetBounds (修飾字MustOverride)(2)基礎類別DrawableAllObject(3)衍生類別DrawableLine(繼承自Drawable),因此DrawableLine中方法Sub DrawFunction GetBounds均必須使用關鍵字Overrides修飾相互呼應。有關抽象基礎類別Drawable相關說明及程式編碼部分請參考Rod Stephens所著Visual Basic 2010 Programmers Reference25章。



Public MustInherit Class Drawable 抽象基礎類別


    Public ForeColor As Color

    Public FillColor As Color

    Public LineWidth As Integer = 0




    ' 建構式.

    Public Sub New() '無引數建構式

        ForeColor = Color.Black

        FillColor = Color.White

    End Sub


    Public Sub New(ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, Optional ByVal line_width As Integer = 0) '有引數建構式,以此和衍生Class對口


        LineWidth = line_width

        ForeColor = fore_color

        FillColor = fill_color

    End Sub


    ' 前景色屬性.

    Public Property ForeColorArgb() As Integer


            Return ForeColor.ToArgb()

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

            ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Value)

        End Set

    End Property



    Public Property FillColorArgb() As Integer


            Return FillColor.ToArgb()

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

            FillColor = Color.FromArgb(Value)

        End Set

    End Property


   ' 在繪圖物件上繪圖.

    Public MustOverride Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics) 抽象方法


    ' 矩形邊界.

    Public MustOverride Function GetBounds() As Rectangle 抽象方法





 End Class


    Public Property BackColorArgb() As Integer




Public Class DrawableAllObject

   Public Drawables As New List(Of Drawable)


    ' 背景色The background color.

    Public BackColor As Color = SystemColors.Control

    Public Property BackColorArgb() As Integer


            Return BackColor.ToArgb()

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

            BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Value)

        End Set

    End Property


    ' 建構式Constructors.

    Public Sub New()

    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal background_color As Color)

        BackColor = background_color

    End Sub




    Public Property SelectedDrawable() As Drawable


            Return m_SelectedDrawable

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Drawable)

            '如果不是所選取的圖元者 .

            If Not (m_SelectedDrawable Is Nothing) Then

                m_SelectedDrawable.IsSelected = False

            End If


            ' 選取新物件.

            m_SelectedDrawable = Value

            If Not (m_SelectedDrawable Is Nothing) Then

                m_SelectedDrawable.IsSelected = True

            End If

        End Set

    End Property




    ' 畫圖元物件.

    Public Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

        ' 清楚背景.


        gr.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias


        ' 繪製物件.

        For Each dr As Drawable In Drawables


        Next dr

    End Sub






       ' 回傳畫圖物件邊界.

    Public Function GetBounds() As Rectangle

        If Drawables.Count < 1 Then Return (New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0))

        Dim result As Rectangle = Drawables(0).GetBounds()

        For Each dr As Drawable In Drawables

            result = Rectangle.Union(result, dr.GetBounds())

        Next dr


        Return result

    End Function

End Class



Imports System.Math

Public Class DrawableLine

    Inherits Drawable

    ' 建構式.

    Public Sub New()

    End Sub


    Public Sub New(ByVal fore_color As Color, Optional ByVal line_width As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal new_x1 As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal new_y1 As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal new_x2 As Integer = 1, Optional ByVal new_y2 As Integer = 1) 以此與呼叫程式(主程式溝通對口)

        MyBase.New(fore_color, Nothing, line_width) 以此和基礎Class對口

        X1 = new_x1

        Y1 = new_y1

        X2 = new_x2

        Y2 = new_y2

    End Sub


    ' 在繪圖物件上繪圖.

    Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As System.Drawing.Graphics)

      Do something

    End Sub


    ' 回傳矩形邊界.

    Public Overrides Function GetBounds() As System.Drawing.Rectangle

        Return New Rectangle( _

            Min(X1, X2), _

            Min(Y1, Y2), _

            Abs(X2 - X1), _

            Abs(Y2 - Y1))

    End Function






    ' 移動新點.

    Public Overrides Sub NewPoint(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

        X2 = x

        Y2 = y

    End Sub


    ' 如果是空物件回傳真值.

    Public Overrides Function IsEmpty() As Boolean

        Return (X1 = X2) AndAlso (Y1 = Y2)

    End Function

End Class

     上面所介紹之程式碼係節錄自Rod Stephens所著Visual Basic 2010 Programmers Reference25章,原始碼艱澀難懂,也無法題提供各別圖元之x_y座標,因此筆者另編一個比較實用,可以適用在多種圖元(直線、多重線、矩形、橢圓()、圓()、正多邊形、星形、任意閉合多邊形等之邊碼供讀者參考。因為直線是多重線之特例,而矩形、橢圓()、圓()、正多邊形、星形均可視為多重線之延伸。因此只要編輯多重線之方法後,其餘只要參考或將各種圖元先轉換為多重線後直接援用多重線之方法即可。



Imports System.Math

Imports System.Xml.Serialization


Public MustInherit Class Drawable


    ' Drawing characteristics.

    Public ForeColor As Color

    Public FillColor As Color

    Public LineWidth As Integer = 0

    Public LineStyle As Integer = 0

    Public PenUse As Pen

    Public BrushUse As Brush

    Public IsSelected As Boolean = False

    ' Constructors.

    Public Sub New()

        ForeColor = Color.Black

        FillColor = Color.White

    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, Optional ByVal line_width As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal line_style As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal isClosed As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal m_brushUse As Brush = Nothing, Optional ByVal isFillRgn As Boolean = False) 'only pass properties

        LineWidth = line_width

        ForeColor = fore_color

        FillColor = fill_color

        LineStyle = line_style

        BrushUse = m_brushUse

    End Sub

    ' Property procedures to serialize and

    ' deserialize ForeColor and FillColor.

    Public Property ForeColorArgb() As Integer


            Return ForeColor.ToArgb()

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

            ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(Value)

        End Set

    End Property


    Public Property FillColorArgb() As Integer


            Return FillColor.ToArgb()

        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)

            FillColor = Color.FromArgb(Value)

        End Set

    End Property


#Region "Methods to override"

    ' Draw the object on this Graphics surface.

    Public MustOverride Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

    ' Return the object's bounding rectangle.

    Public MustOverride Function GetLimit() As Rectangle

    ' Return True if this point is on the object.

    Public MustOverride Function IsAt(ByVal ptTest As Point) As Boolean

    ' Return True if the object is empty (e.g. a zero-length line).

    Public MustOverride Function IsEmpty() As Boolean

#End Region


End Class


Imports System.Math

Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

Imports System.Xml.Serialization


Public Class DrawablepolyLine

    Inherits Drawable

    ' Constructors.

    Public Sub New()

    End Sub

    Private m_Pts() As PointF, npt As Integer, m_Canvas As PictureBox, m_isClosed As Boolean, m_Pen As Pen, m_brushStyle As Integer, m_Brush As Brush

    Public Sub New(ByVal gr As Graphics, ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, ByVal line_width As Integer, ByVal ptsIn() As PointF, _

                   Optional ByVal isClosed As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal brush_style As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal line_style As Integer = 0)

        MyBase.New(fore_color, fill_color, line_width, isClosed)

        Dim stGeoXyz As String = ""

        m_isClosed = isClosed

        m_brushStyle = brush_style

        If m_brushStyle = -1 Then m_Brush = New SolidBrush(fill_color)

        If m_brushStyle = 0 Then m_Brush = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Cross, fore_color)

        npt = UBound(ptsIn)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(0) = ptsIn(0)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(1) = ptsIn(0)

        For i As Integer = 0 To npt

            ReDim Preserve m_Pts(i), glPolyline.Pts(i)

            m_Pts(i) = ptsIn(i)

            glPolyline.Pts(i) = ptsIn(i)

        Next i

        LineLimit = getLimitLine(m_Pts)



        Dim stGeoProp As String

        stGeoProp = Trim("polyline" & "," & ColorTranslator.ToWin32(fore_color) & "," & ColorTranslator.ToWin32(fore_color) & "," & line_width & "," & line_style)


        stGeoXyz = Trim("polyline" & stGeoXyz)


    End Sub


    Public Sub New(ByVal canvasIn As PictureBox, ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, ByVal line_width As Integer, ByVal ptsIn() As PointF, Optional ByVal isClosed As Boolean = False)

        m_isClosed = isclosed

        npt = UBound(ptsIn)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(0) = ptsIn(0)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(1) = ptsIn(0)

        For i As Integer = 0 To npt

            ReDim Preserve m_Pts(i)

            m_Pts(i) = ptsIn(i)

        Next i

        m_Canvas = canvasIn

        If m_isClosed = True Then

            Dim highlight_brush As Brush = New SolidBrush(FillColor)

            m_Canvas.CreateGraphics.FillPolygon(highlight_brush, m_Pts)


            m_Canvas.CreateGraphics.DrawLines(New Pen(fore_color, line_width), m_Pts)

        End If

    End Sub  

    ' Draw the object on this Graphics surface.

    Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

        On Error Resume Next

        If m_isClosed = True Then

            'Dim highlight_brush As Brush = New SolidBrush(FillColor)

            gr.FillPolygon(m_Brush, m_Pts)


            Dim highlight_pen As New Pen(ForeColor, LineWidth)

            gr.DrawLines(highlight_pen, m_Pts)

        End If


    End Sub


    Public Overrides Function Getlimit() As System.Drawing.Rectangle

        Return New Rectangle( _

            CInt(Min(LineLimit.Pt0.X, LineLimit.Pt0.X)), _

            CInt(Min(LineLimit.Pt0.Y, LineLimit.Pt1.Y)), _

            CInt(Abs(LineLimit.Pt1.X - LineLimit.Pt0.X)), _

            CInt(Abs(LineLimit.Pt1.Y - LineLimit.Pt0.Y)))

    End Function

    ' Return True if this point is on the object.

    Public Overrides Function IsAt(ByVal PtIn As Point) As Boolean

        Return PointNearSegment(PtIn, New Point(CInt(LineLimit.Pt0.X), CInt(LineLimit.Pt0.Y)), New Point(CInt(LineLimit.Pt1.X), CInt(LineLimit.Pt1.Y)))

    End Function

    ' Move the second point.

    ' Return True if the object is empty (e.g. a zero-length line).

    Public Overrides Function IsEmpty() As Boolean

        Return Abs(LineLimit.Pt0.X - LineLimit.Pt1.X) <= 1 AndAlso Abs(LineLimit.Pt0.Y - LineLimit.Pt1.Y) <= 1

    End Function

End Class



Imports System.Math

Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

Imports System.Xml.Serialization


Public Class DrawablepolyLine

    Inherits Drawable

    ' Constructors.

    Public Sub New()

    End Sub

    Private m_Pts() As PointF, npt As Integer, m_Canvas As PictureBox, m_isClosed As Boolean, m_Pen As Pen, m_brushStyle As Integer, m_Brush As Brush

    Public Sub New(ByVal gr As Graphics, ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, ByVal line_width As Integer, ByVal ptsIn() As PointF, _

                   Optional ByVal isClosed As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal brush_style As Integer = -1, Optional ByVal line_style As Integer = 0)

        MyBase.New(fore_color, fill_color, line_width, isClosed)

        Dim stGeoXyz As String = ""

        m_isClosed = isClosed

        m_brushStyle = brush_style

        If m_brushStyle = -1 Then m_Brush = New SolidBrush(fill_color)

        If m_brushStyle = 0 Then m_Brush = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.Cross, fore_color)

        npt = UBound(ptsIn)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(0) = ptsIn(0)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(1) = ptsIn(0)

        For i As Integer = 0 To npt

            ReDim Preserve m_Pts(i), glPolyline.Pts(i)

            m_Pts(i) = ptsIn(i)

            glPolyline.Pts(i) = ptsIn(i)

        Next i

        LineLimit = getLimitLine(m_Pts)




        Dim stGeoProp As String

        stGeoProp = Trim("polyline" & "," & ColorTranslator.ToWin32(fore_color) & "," & ColorTranslator.ToWin32(fore_color) & "," & line_width & "," & line_style)


        stGeoXyz = Trim("polyline" & stGeoXyz)


    End Sub


    Public Sub New(ByVal canvasIn As PictureBox, ByVal fore_color As Color, ByVal fill_color As Color, ByVal line_width As Integer, ByVal ptsIn() As PointF, Optional ByVal isClosed As Boolean = False)

        m_isClosed = isclosed

        npt = UBound(ptsIn)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(0) = ptsIn(0)

        If npt = 0 Then glPolyline.Pts(1) = ptsIn(0)

        For i As Integer = 0 To npt

            ReDim Preserve m_Pts(i)

            m_Pts(i) = ptsIn(i)

        Next i


        m_Canvas = canvasIn

        If m_isClosed = True Then

            Dim highlight_brush As Brush = New SolidBrush(FillColor)

            m_Canvas.CreateGraphics.FillPolygon(highlight_brush, m_Pts)


            m_Canvas.CreateGraphics.DrawLines(New Pen(fore_color, line_width), m_Pts)

        End If

    End Sub


    ' Draw the object on this Graphics surface.

    Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal gr As Graphics)

        On Error Resume Next

        If m_isClosed = True Then

            'Dim highlight_brush As Brush = New SolidBrush(FillColor)

            gr.FillPolygon(m_Brush, m_Pts)


            Dim highlight_pen As New Pen(ForeColor, LineWidth)

            gr.DrawLines(highlight_pen, m_Pts)

        End If


    End Sub


    Public Overrides Function Getlimit() As System.Drawing.Rectangle


        Return New Rectangle( _

            CInt(Min(LineLimit.Pt0.X, LineLimit.Pt0.X)), _

            CInt(Min(LineLimit.Pt0.Y, LineLimit.Pt1.Y)), _

            CInt(Abs(LineLimit.Pt1.X - LineLimit.Pt0.X)), _

            CInt(Abs(LineLimit.Pt1.Y - LineLimit.Pt0.Y)))

    End Function


    ' Return True if this point is on the object.

    Public Overrides Function IsAt(ByVal PtIn As Point) As Boolean

        Return PointNearSegment(PtIn, New Point(CInt(LineLimit.Pt0.X), CInt(LineLimit.Pt0.Y)), New Point(CInt(LineLimit.Pt1.X), CInt(LineLimit.Pt1.Y)))

    End Function

    ' Move the second point.

    ' Return True if the object is empty (e.g. a zero-length line).

    Public Overrides Function IsEmpty() As Boolean

        Return Abs(LineLimit.Pt0.X - LineLimit.Pt1.X) <= 1 AndAlso Abs(LineLimit.Pt0.Y - LineLimit.Pt1.Y) <= 1

    End Function

End Class


Dim m_NewDrawable As Drawable

Dim myBufferBitmap As Bitmap

Dim myBufferGraphics As Graphics

m_NewDrawable = New DrawablepolyLine(PicDraw, Color.White, Color.Red, 5, ptsIn)

  m_NewDrawable = New DrawablepolyLine(myBufferGraphics , Color.Black, Color.Red, 5, ptsIn)

m_NewDrawable = New DrawablepolyLine(myBufferGraphics, Color.Red, Color.Red, 5, ptsIn, True, _ 0)





在衍生類別增加類別的屬性、方法及事件是一種很容易的事情,您只要在衍生類別宣告就好。在基礎類別clsBase中有Public Function Add(),衍生類別clsDerived中也有Public Function Add(),二次衍生類別clsMorederivedPublic Function Add()。基礎類別以關鍵字Overridable修飾,衍生類別及二次衍生類別均以關鍵字Overrides修飾。在主程式呼叫引用方法Add()後,基礎類別bas1.add(1,2)=3,衍生類別被覆寫後變成減法,bas2.add(1,2)=-1,二次衍生類別被覆寫後變成乘法,bas3.add(1,2)=2




    Public Class clsBase

        Public Overridable Function Add(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

            Return a + b  '加法

        End Function

    End Class


    Public Class clsDerived

        Inherits clsBase

        Public Overrides Function Add(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

            '請將Private Shadows改為Public Shadows重新測試看看結果

            Return a - b   '減法

        End Function

    End Class


    Public Class clsMorederived

        Inherits clsDerived

        Public Overrides Function Add(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

            '請將Private Shadows改為Public Shadows重新測試看看結果

            Return a * b   '乘法

        End Function

    End Class



        Dim bas1 As New clsBase

        Dim bas2 As New clsDerived

        Dim bas3 As New clsMorederived

        Dim retval1 As Double = bas1.Add(1, 2)

        ListBox1.Items.Add("bas1.add(1,2)= " & retval1)

        Dim retval2 As Double = bas2.Add(1, 2)

        ListBox1.Items.Add("bas2.add(1,2)= " & retval2)

        Dim retval3 As Double = bas3.Add(1, 2)

        ListBox1.Items.Add("bas3.add(1,2)= " & retval3)


如下面的程式碼,基礎類別Base中有公有函數Add(),衍生類別Derived中也有公有函數Add(),二次衍生類別Morederived也有公有函數Add()。如在主程式中引用Class BaseDerivedMorederived後所得答案,因衍生類別DerivedMorederived中之Function Add均均以Private Shadows宣告,故均採用基礎類別的函數Add(1,2),故所有答案均為3,縱使有Shadows關鍵字亦不會被遮蓋。



Public Class Base

    Public Function Add(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

        Return a + b  '加法

    End Function

End Class


Public Class Derived

    Inherits Base

    Private Shadows Function Add(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

    請將Private Shadows改為PublicShadows重新測試看看結果

        Return a - b   '減法

    End Function

End Class


Public Class Morederived

    Inherits Derived

    Private Shadows Function Add(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

請將Private Shadows改為PublicShadows重新測試看看結果

        Return a * b   '乘法

    End Function

End Class



Private Sub btnShadows1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnShadows1.Click


Dim bas1 As New Base

        Dim bas2 As New Derived

        Dim bas3 As New Morederived

        Dim retval1 As Double = bas1.Add(1, 2)

        ListBox1.Items.Add("bas1.add(1,2)= " & retval1)

        Dim retval2 As Double = bas2.Add(1, 2)

        ListBox1.Items.Add("bas2.add(1,2)= " & retval2)

        Dim retval3 As Double = bas3.Add(1, 2)

        ListBox1.Items.Add("bas3.add(1,2)= " & retval3)

    End Sub


如將衍生類別DerivedMorederived中之Function Add如改均以Public Shadows宣告,則物件Bas1,bas2,bas3均採用自己的函數方法不會被遮蓋,故答案分別為3(加法),-1(減法),2(乘法)



實作(Implements)關鍵字表示本類別有提供實作為介面(Interface)。一個介面為定義規範實作類別必須提供的行為[屬性或()方法],但不必提供此等行為的實作。如下面的類別clsInterface中問候介面(Igreeting,習慣上介面多以大寫I開頭),定義了問候介面的方法Sub GoodMorning()Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime)。在問候介面Igreeting 前有關鍵字InterFace修飾。類別clsInterface中包夾兩個類別Class EnglishClass Chinese



Public Class clsInterface

    Interface Igreeting

        Sub GoodMorning() '不需要存取範圍的關鍵字

        Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime) '不需要存取範圍的關鍵字

    End Interface


    Public Class English

        Implements Igreeting


        Public Sub GoodMorning() Implements Igreeting.GoodMorning

            Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("Good morning!")

        End Sub


        Public Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime) Implements Igreeting.GoodEvening

            Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("Good evening! Now it is  :" & CurrentDate)

        End Sub

    End Class


    Public Class Chinese

        Implements Igreeting


        Public Sub GoodMorning() Implements Igreeting.GoodMorning

            Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("現在時間為:" & Now())



        End Sub


        Public Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime) Implements Igreeting.GoodEvening

            Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("您好!晚安 , 現在時間為: " & CurrentDate)

        End Sub

    End Class




Dim Hello As New clsInterface.English  '建構介面類別clsInterfac的英文物件

        Dim Hi As New clsInterface.Chinese '建構介面類別clsInterfac的中文物件


        Hello.GoodMorning() '實作英文早安問候

        Hello.GoodEvening(Now()) '實作英文晚安問候


        Hi.GoodMorning() '實作中文早安問候

        Hi.GoodEvening(Now()) '實作中文晚安問候


類別Class English Class Chinese 下一列均有陳述句Implements Igreeting。在早安GoodMorning()及晚安GoodEvening()問候Sub方法後面均跟隨有關鍵字Implements及對應的介面所定義的Sub名稱。類別中類別Class English Class Chinese中均有可以實作的程式碼。




多態或多型(Polymorphism)為類別可以同時使用不同個數的引數及資料型態,以定義多個相同名稱的屬性、方法、及事件。在同一Class中,可以使用相同名稱的方法(SubFunction),只要方法中成員所使用參數不同即可,此即為方法多載(Method overload)。如下面的類別Public Class ClsPhoneCall程式碼基礎類別Public Class ID中提供Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String)Public Overridable Sub Dial(),衍生類別Public Class Phone及二次衍生類別Public Class CreditCardID,均提供方法Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String)Public Overrides Sub Dial(),其中Dial()均有覆寫關鍵字Overrides,因此衍生類別及二次衍生類別物件引用Dial()方法都採用覆寫後的Dial()方法,同樣一個類別可以同時定義不同的Dial()方法,此即為類別的多態或多型。



Public Class ClsPhoneCall

   Public Class ID '基礎類別,身份類別

        Public Number As String

        Protected stTpt As String

        Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String'建構式

            Me.Number = Number '自己呼叫自己用Me

        End Sub

        Public Overridable Sub Dial()  '可以被覆寫

            stTpt = "撥號: " & Number


        End Sub

    End Class


   Public Class Phone  '衍生類別,電話類別

        Inherits ID

        Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String'建構式

            MyBase.New(Number) '在衍生類別呼叫基礎類別中的方法,屬性,事件用MyBase

        End Sub


        Public Overrides Sub Dial()  '覆寫

            stTpt = "按鈕電話: " & Number


        End Sub

    End Class


   Public Class CreditCardID '二次衍生類別,信用卡類型

        Inherits ID

        Public Sub New(ByVal Number As String'建構式

            MyBase.New(Number) '在衍生類別呼叫基礎類別中的方法,屬性,事件用MyBase

        End Sub

        Public Overrides Sub Dial() '覆寫

            stTpt = "撥號電號: " & Number


        End Sub

    End Class

End Class



Dim card As New ClsPhoneCall.CreditCardID("統一編號A1234-5678") '建構二次衍生類別物件

        Dim phone As New ClsPhoneCall.Phone("電話號碼02-1234-5678") '建構衍生類別物件



        card.Dial() '實作二次衍生類別Dial()方法

        phone.Dial() '實作衍生類別Dial()方法


        Dim PolyID As ClsPhoneCall.ID '設定基礎類別的物件


        PolyID = card '重新設定基礎類別物件為二次衍生類別物件


        PolyID = phone '重新設定基礎類別物件為衍生類別物件



建構式或建構子(Constructor)Class與外部溝通的對話窗口,在呼叫程式中以New 關鍵字與ClassNew程式陳述句呼應以執行程式的初始化工作。



Public Class ClsConstructor

    Public Class Point

        Private mX, mY As Double


        Public Sub New()'無引數之次程序

        End Sub


        Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Double, _

           ByVal yValue As Double'有引數之次程序,定義點類別為配對倍精準浮點數

            MsgBox("X,Y= " & xValue & ";" & yValue)

            mX = xValue

            mY = yValue

        End Sub


        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

            Return "(" & mX & ", " & mY & ")"

            MsgBox("in class Point: Overrides Function Point(" & mX.ToString() & ", " & mY.ToString() & ")")

        End Function ' 覆寫為字串


    End Class


    Public Class Circle

        Inherits Point '繼承點類此

        Private mRadius As Double


        Public Sub New()

        End Sub


        Public Sub New(ByVal xValue As Double, _

           ByVal yValue As Double, ByVal radValue As Double) '定義圓類別為配對倍精準浮點數

            MyBase.New(xValue, yValue) '繼承自點類別

            Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("In class Circle: X,Y,R= " & xValue & ";" & yValue & ";" & radValue)

            mRadius = radValue

        End Sub ' New


        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

            Return "圓心= " & MyBase.ToString() & _

               "; 半徑 = " & mRadius

            Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add("In class Circle: R= " & mRadius)

        End Function ' ToString


    End Class


End Class





Dim Point1, Point2 As ClsConstructor.Point

        Dim Circle1, Circle2 As ClsConstructor.Circle

        Point1 = New ClsConstructor.Point(50.0F, 50.0F)

        'ClsConstructor.Point()Sub New()對口

        Circle1 = New ClsConstructor.Circle(120.0, 89.0, 3.7)

        'ClsConstructor..Circle()Sub New()對口


        ListBox1.Items.Add("1: " & point1.ToString() & _

           vbCrLf & "1: " & circle1.ToString())

        point2 = circle1

        ListBox1.Items.Add("1 (via 2): " & point2.ToString())

        Circle2 = CType(Point2, ClsConstructor.Circle) ' point2轉換為圓

        ListBox1.Items.Add("1 (via 2): " & circle2.ToString())

        If (TypeOf point1 Is ClsConstructor.Circle) Then

            Circle2 = CType(Point1, ClsConstructor.Circle) 'point1轉換為圓




        End If


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