About me(自我介紹)




My name is Christ Day, a native of Taiwain. I earned my bachelor's degree of River and Habour Engineering from Natioal Oceanic University at Keelung in Taiwan. And I received my master's degree of Water Resource Engineering at Asian Institute technology (A.I.T) in Bankkok,Thailand. I am a qualified Civil and hydraulics engineer, now retired from my carrier, I have published three books (Chinese edition, (a) Rock Slope Engineering Analysis by Computer methods, (b) Structural Geology analysis by Computer methods , (c) Slope Engineering Analysis by Excel and VBA). During my carrier of Civil Eng, I wrote many programs about Civil Eng. I would like to share with people who interests. Because English is not my mother's tongue, If I make e error in English, please give me a advice, thanks a million.

I am glad to accept the invitations to  discuss the topics as my web shown.



我是戴 清 河,是一位退休的土木水利工程師(技師)。早年(1971)因為工作需要自行研讀過 Fortran、Basic、Lotus、Clipper程式語言。旅居紐西蘭期間曾將早年所編寫有關土木及邊坡工程福傳程式改編為 VB(Mos版) 出版(岩坡工程學解析),後又將其改編為VB 6.0出版(岩坡工程學構造地質學Excel在邊坡工程之應用)。在寫構造地質學時,需利用到很多圖解法,因此就寫了許多繪圖程式,諸如2D及3D Function Ploter(Tube plot,MrachingCube plot.......)、VB 6.0繪圖程式 及VB NET繪圖程式設計。希望透過本網站與朋友分享。










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上次修改此網站的日期: 2019年03月24日